
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Amazing Grace to heal PTSD

Can you believe such greatness of pain can be healed?
It can when you understand what it is and why it hit you but not someone else.
It was not by lack of courage nor dedication to duty, but the strength of your compassion that makes you grieve. You took away the pain of others along with your own. You wondered where God was while He was there all the time inside of you allowing you to care just as He was inside of you the day you decided to serve.

His grace was there in the midst of horror. His grace was there while you risked your life to care about those you served with more than your own life. His grace was there when you cared about strangers you would never meet and the strangers you ended up calling family.

He was there when you were willing to leave your family and friends for what your nation needed.

He was there when you wept for a fallen friend and when you mourned the loss of life for even the enemy.

He was there when you laid awake at night with memories that would not let you go.

He was there and is there in all moments of your life and He will forgive anything you believe you need to be forgiven for, for He knows where your heart was, just as He knew you before He sent you here.

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

You may think the person you were before is gone forever, but he/she still lives behind the wall of pain. You can find "you" again when you begin to heal.

You are blind to the cause of PTSD because no one ever told you but once you see it was caused by the events you lived through, you can see all that there is inside of you that is good, loving and still compassionate.

T'was Grace that taught...
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear...
the hour I first believed.

The God you knew all your life has not changed. He still loves and still grieves that man has not learned to live in peace. He grieves over what man does with freewill and weeps for the sake of those who defend others because of this.

God created a warrior long before He created man because He knew some would put themselves first and others last. Yet it is the Archangel Michael created to defend, just as you were created to defend.

Through many dangers, toils and snares...
we have already come.
T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far...
and Grace will lead us home.

We do not know why some die in service to this nation and others survive. We do not know why some will be called to greater glory as Medal of Honor heroes and other heroes return forgotten. There is much we do not know this day but there is also much we do know. We know that those who are willing to put the lives of others ahead of their own are to be called heroes even though you will say you were just doing your job, humbled as you bow your head.

God's grace is able to fill all the needs you have to heal this wound to your soul so that you may find the amazing grace within you. You can be found, you can see the truth and you can come all the way back home.

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