
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What is the real agenda

What is the real agenda?

Up until about 15 minutes ago, I was in a pretty good mood. I started to go through some emails and some of them were very nice, very hopeful, with a clear agenda of helping others. No political thoughts hiding or blatantly clear. They were just about humans needing each other and acknowledging it.

The problem came when the rants made my mood darken. I feel like I do when on Tuesday night I go to see a bad movie and feel it was not only a waste of time and money, but left me wondering what is wrong with some people when they put out something that is not helpful, hopeful or even funny. If you walk out of a movie feeling worse than you walk in, that's a bad movie. This is not a movie but a bunch of people across this country hiding behind an actor's mask with a clear agenda that is politically motivated hiding behind a noble cause.

Some of the subjects are about "corruption in the VA" the "death book" and topic of the times, "Obamacare." All of these are coming in under the category of veterans.

First I wonder where all these people were when all the problems the veterans were facing over the last eight years while the number of veterans seeking help from the VA was growing along with the claims waiting, but nothing was being done. I wonder where they were when the suicides and attempted suicides was increasing, not only in the military but with our veterans as well when last reported 18 a day commit suicide.

The difference between then and now is a different administration with a different political party.

Gone are the days of "you have to support the President in a time of war" indicating that if you spoke out against anything the other administration did, you were not supporting the troops or the veterans. "You have to support the war or you don't support the troops" was dropped and suddenly they are coming out saying that even Afghanistan should be ended. Blog after blog that ignored the facts in order to support their own agenda have totally switched into being what they used to call anti-American, anti-military and anti-troops. Amazing!

Some fair minded people paying attention (like me) were attacked from both sides because we dared to tell the truth no matter who was in charge. Believing they need to be treated fairly while being held accountable just doesn't seem to fit in anymore. Gone are the times when fighting for all veterans was a good thing to do if you dare to take on a politician.

Some say that it's because of the 2000 election that politics took over everything but that is not the truth. It's an excuse. 9-11 proved that when we were all Americans. It is because of the blog world being used by people with hidden agendas. Instead of talking about the same problems the veterans faced all these years and staying on the fact most of the problem are getting worse, they want to jump on to false outrages as if they are helpful at all. Instead of demanding plans to get the troops back home from Iraq and Afghanistan so that no one can ever compare either to Vietnam, the claws come out. Instead of finding solutions to the huge problems they face, they waste their time and energy sending out emails to make someone's blood boil in a feeding frenzy so they don't pay attention to any of the facts behind how we got to where we are or what the real problems are.

I just read an email from someone saying that "the death book signals out veterans" as if that made any sense at all. It was from the VA! It is about making choices with time to think about what veterans want when it comes to their own lives but this person decided to use words that would cause people to get upset without having time to think about what was really in the publication.

Much like a very bad movie, with bad actors working off an even worse script, their agenda is clear and this is not about veterans or the troops. All of these chain emails are about manipulating without a good imagination or noble intent. It's a waste of time, an assault on the emotions and all will have a bad ending if good people don't start to ignore the people sending out these emails and start to focus on the real problems veterans face along with the troops.

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