
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Videos Notice to viewers

Great Americans had a redesign issue and all of my videos are gone. I have to reload all of them. This will take some time. They will back up as soon as possible. This also means that if you linked to my videos, any of the over 25 of them, you will have to re-embed them as well. I am so sorry about this and really appreciate your patience in this. We need to get the information about PTSD out to the people who need it the most.

To say this totally sucks is putting it mildly, but I'm sure you know I'm thinking something much harsher right now,.,,,,,,it will take me at least most of the day to get them all reloaded. There won't be much posting done today because of this.

Chaplain Kathie

So far I have seven of them back up.

Posted Hero After War
When it comes to the wound of war that leaves a scar on the soul, Vietnam veterans have been there fighting to make sure it is treated and helping to heal all generations of veterans. Brothers taking care of brothers and...

Posted Women at War
First part in series of women at war. They have been going to where they have been needed since this nation began. They are heroes most forget and they suffer from PTSD at higher rates.

Posted The Voice, Women at War
Part of a series on women at war. This video has part of a rich history of women during combat, usually forgotten by most Americans. It also show how they too end up wounded by PTSD

Posted Women at War, Sisters After War
Part of a series of videos on women at war. This one is a tribute to my friend Capt. Agnes "Irish" Breneahan, a Vietnam era veteran from Fort McClellan. She suffered from PTSD and Agent Orange, but never stopped fighting...

Posted Women at War, Hardest Times
Part of a series of videos on wmen at war. Hardest Times You Could Imagine, are forgotten by most when we think about women in combat and what they go through. This video uses Wildflower by Skylark with the help and...

Posted Coming Out of the Dark of PTSD
Having PTSD and not knowing what it is, is like living in darkness. Nothing seems the same. When you know what it is, you can begin to heal the wounds you brought back home with you.

Posted PTSD Final Battle After War
When the boots come off, when the uniform is put away, sometimes the last battle to fight is healing from all you went through. With the knowledge you need to understand it, you can heal. It is never too late to begin to...

About 20 more to go. The other problem is that Great Americans changed their player and I cannot embed all the videos on this blog at the same time. Hero After War starts to play when the blog is opened. I'll keep changing which one plays when opened as time permits.

Check back later for links to the rest of the videos. I'll put the links in here and on the side bar.

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