
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Subconscious Restructuring for PTSD blocked from review

There is no one size fits all approach for treating PTSD and there never will be, simply because we are all different. While some with PTSD use drugs and alcohol as self-medication, others not only have PTSD, but are addicted to drugs and alcohol, suffering a double whammy. If you treat them all as if they are addicts, it won't work for all of them just as if you treat them all as if they are just self-medicating, they will not all be treated properly. The same goes with the wrong diagnosis. If psychiatrist are looking for depression, they will find it because it comes with PTSD and they could be mistreating the patient if they do not look at trauma. PTSD is misdiagnosed all the time because of all the symptoms that can be found in other mental illness. PTSD only comes after traumatic events.

That said, Subconscious Restructuring could help a lot of veterans. It claims to alter the intrusive thoughts and help deal with depression. When it comes to suicide, depression is the number one reason because they lose hope. If this program can help reduce depression it should at least be studied. No program should be dismissed without clinical evidence any more than they should be approved without it.

Life Coach: The Only Evidence Based PTSD/Suicide Intervention Is Blocked By NIMH From Scientific Review

By Kelly Burris

NIMH Blocked the only Evidence Based program process for PTSD/Suicide from Scientific Review.

Despite an unprecedented crisis in military suicidality, the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) rejected the only evidence based proposal the SR process to cure post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and suicide in the U.S. Army.

The rejection shocked proposal scientists, former Marine officer, combat veteran and psychotherapist Dr. Ron Clark, the Principal Investigator (PI), and former USAF officer, psychologist and co PI Dr. Jeff Litchford.

The SR process proposed by the doctors has a record of success over its 25 year history, and has established itself as the only evidence based program process in mental health. The model, referred to by Dr. Clark and Litchford as Subconscious Restructuring (SR), is well suited as the program of choice to overcome PTSD/suicidality problems of combat returning U.S. Army military personnel and their families. It teaches depressed, traumatized and suicidal service personnel and their families how to restructure their subconscious, and replace dysfunctional components with more appropriate goal oriented words, pictures, thoughts, emotions and behaviors. When symptoms of depression are present, as in the case of PTSD and suicidality, the Burris SR intervention is especially effective.

No evidence based program processes were funded in 2007, when $277 million was dispersed via CDMRP to address PTSD and TBI. 2008 became a record setting year for military suicides with 2009 on track for setting another record.
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Life Coach Holistic Health

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