
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Rick Sanchez takes on FOX for sake of truth

CNN anchor calls out Fox News: ‘You lie’
By Muriel Kane

Published: September 18, 2009
When Fox News ran a full-page ad in the Washington Post — as well as in two newspapers owned by Fox’s parent company — claiming that it had been the only network to cover the 9.12 tea party rally in Washington, DC, it was more than one CNN anchor was willing to take.

“I usually don’t suffer fools gladly,” CNN’s Rick Sanchez began. “Especially when it comes to the fools who perpetuate falsehoods. Well, today thousands of you flipped through the pages of the Washington Post, only to come up a lie so bold and so upsetting that frankly I’m just not going to sit here in silence and allow my craft or my news operation to be unfairly maligned.”

Over a large photo of the rally, the ad asks, “How Did ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN Miss This Story?”

“Enough is enough,” Sanchez went on, sounding as though he had been taking lessons in righteous indignation from Keith Olbermann. “And yes, I’m talking to you, Fox News. You, who claim to be fair and balanced. At what, I wonder? … They are saying we did not cover this story. They are using a lie to try and divide people into camps. … That’s an offense to myself and my colleagues, who risked their lives in Iran and Afghanistan and around the world to bring the news.”
read more here

For anyone reading this blog thinking I've gotten soft when it comes to the truth, most of my holding back has been because I quit smoking and my anger level is a bit too easy to reach. Last Saturday I tossed out my cigarettes, as a notice to infrequent readers. It's been a monkey on my back for 32 years. I've been going thru hell with this, crying jags, sleeping binges and not wanting to get up out of bed. For the most part, I am pretty sure I met the devil face to face. Because of this, I've been trying really hard to not blow my top on a post. Hasn't worked out too well but I've tried.

In this case, Rick Sanchez deserves all the hell I can put into this post because he spoke out for the truth. What has been going on has nothing to do with being Republican or Democratic, right or left, straight or gay, poor or rich. This has everything to do with power and that's all that matters. The truth, in other words, be damned, because it was getting in the way of power.

Stop and listen to the talk show freaks screaming, crying, blowing their stack, changing color when their blood pressure rises out of control. What are they talking about? Are they talking about what happened in Iraq or Afghanistan today? Are they talking about what happened to the wounded troops coming back? How about the unemployed men and women who were serving this country last year but out of jobs and homes this year?

Do they ever talk about the millions of veterans going to the VA and having to pay for their healthcare because they don't have an approved claim? Yes, this has been going on for years, but you'll never hear it out of any of them. If you have an approved claim for a lost limb, they take of it and anything else that was part of your losing a limb. Otherwise they want you to have another kind of insurance, including Medicare or Medicaid so they can bill for treatment not connected to an approved claim. In the case when you have a claim denied or in process, that is a claim that is still considered "not service connected" and they bill you. Your insurance company does not have to pay if the diagnosis is attaching your required medical care to your military service. With an approved claim of 100%, for example, they will charge your insurance company for anything not attached to your claim, but if they turn down the charges, the VA will not bill you. Without an approved claim, they want their money.

But you won't hear any of this on FOX on talk radio. You won't hear any veteran being interviewed over what they've been through all along or how much they are suffering. If you hear anything at all, it will be tied to the Obama administration instead of anything that has been happening all along. They also won't bother to mention the fact that since the Democrats took control over the committees, things started to change for the better and you began to hear more testimonies on PTSD, as well as news coverage.

Wake up if you still think FOX cable is news because they've been lying to you all along. It's not about the nation, especially when they make statements about how they want the Obama administration to fail, because that means they don't care the American people suffer in the process as long as they retain control over you and manipulate you into believing the lies. It's time to stand up for the truth and demand it from the people you trusted to report real news.

I watch CNN and MSNBC. I don't watch FOX because I got tired of being treated like an idiot.

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