
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

If Indianapolis thinks 1 in 8 will end up with PTSD, what will they think about the real number?

The real number is one out of three, a third of the troops we send. That's on the tame side because this does not factor in re-deployments increase the risk by 50% for each time sent back. One out of eight? Not even close and that is the most frightening part of all.

Walk raises awareness for soldiers' disorder
Updated: Sep 27, 2009 6:47 PM EDT

Indianapolis - A walk Sunday raised awareness of a life-threatening condition facing soldiers at home.

In honor of the troops who have marched courageously into war, a crowd of supporters marched downtown to help them fight the next battle many face once they return home.

"One in eight are predicted to have some sort of stress disorder, particularly post-traumatic stress," said Cami Pond, Indiana State Medical Association Alliance.

"We're here today to talk about PTSD. That hidden injury that is out there that we don't see, but it's so prevalent," said Major General R. Martin Umbarger.

Being rocked by explosions, death, excruciating pain and debilitating injuries can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder, where the anxiety and fear of combat is carried into civilian life.

"The ultimate problem with post-traumatic stress disorder is feeling like they cannot cope and, as a result, take their own life," said J. James Rohack M.D., American Medical Association president.
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Walk for troops

Tomorrow is our anniversary. 25 years married with PTSD. We're living proof it is not hopeless and they can live with PTSD. This also means that we've been dealing with PTSD for longer than that. In 1978 there were already studies done. Most of what we read today has already been done, collecting dust in researchers stalks, in college achieves and obscure groups with friends in right places to hand out research cash. We know the drill well. It's almost as if they think the human mind, body and spirit has changed so drastically all the research already done is no useless. Nothing has changed. The original design is the same. Warfare, if anything is a little less horrific because they are not doing face to fact combat hacking off limbs at such close range they could hear the bones snap. Now they are not as close, but the bombs blow up more people a lot quicker.

We will see more and more coming home like my husband did, like all veterans did, and keep wondering when someone will help them. We will keep wondering because no one really paid attention the first time we were here with all of this. The death count goes up, families still fall apart, veterans end up homeless and in jail, but we dare to wonder why.

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