
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Veterans Group Blasts Right Wingers Pushing “Death Book”

Disclosure right now is that I am in a very, very bad mood right now. This is one of the first emails I read this morning. It is not a great way to start my day after my morning prayer.

I did a huge post about this. I won't bother you with repeating all of it. You can read it here.

Veterans are not stupid, stop treating them like they are

In my life, I've met all kinds of people from all walks of life. Each one of them have within them the same possibilities to do good or to do harm. Some choose to think of others, putting themselves in the place of others, while some, well, let's just say they only think of themselves and their own gain, never bothering to once think of who they are hurting as long as they get what they want.

Some of them are just too blind to see what they are turning into. Others, well, they must have something really twisted in their soul to the point where they have slaughtered whatever good God intended them to produce in this world.

I do not fully blame the people repeating this abomination because they are too uninformed to know what is true and what is a blatant lie. They have been following the people they believe instead of using what God provided them with called a brain.

I blame the creators and the pushers of this lie against our veterans, trying to cause them to fear, feel even more hopeless by this lie being repeated and above all, reminding them that they are yet again the victim of a political game played by people with no morals, no values for anyone other than themselves and have sold their own souls for power.

Truly despicable people push this lie, sending it out onto massive email chains, never once thinking about who will read it because they think, "Now we got them right where we want them" and causing harm to our veterans in the process. Never once do the senders of this sin contemplate the real magnitude of the problems our veterans face everyday, or the fact that it got worse for them while they enabled party loyalty to overshadow what was happening when "their guy" was in office. They got what they wanted and that was all they needed to know. Nothing else mattered.

I track all of this all the time and never once did I see from any of these pushers a post or email chain about the suicides, when they could have done something. The veterans coming back homeless, were their own fault, or in the words of their hero Bill O'Reilly, they were not real. I didn't see posts about the lack of troops in Iraq when they were dying, or the equipment issues, or the fact the wounded were coming back and having to wait in the valley of despair for their claims to be approved. The list of what I didn't read goes on but above all it proved that they don't care about the veterans unless they can use them.

These "fiscally responsible conservatives" propagating lies never once thought about the vast amounts of tax payer dollars driving the deficit to astronomical highs was pushed by two wars never included in the Presidential budget or the fact hundreds of millions of dollars was lost, never accounted for and wasted. This at the same time their heroes in the Congress kept saying there wasn't enough money to righteously fund the VA to take care of the wounded and waiting.

For all the truly patriotic conservatives out there, be appalled. Find out what the truth is and then nail these liars once and for all! It is not only your duty to your country it is your moral obligation to stand up for our veterans being assaulted again.

This is not a harmless rumor. It goes far beyond a lie about the "death book" because it ends up telling veterans they don't matter when it comes to politics and that is the biggest sin of all. If you hear any of these political animals on the radio or TV repeating these lies, hit them with the facts for the sake of the veterans. Stand up for them and stop allowing people to use any veteran in this country as a political tool. If you get one of these emails, ask yourself what the person sending it has to gain and then ask what they have against veterans when they see fit to use them.

Remember veterans served this one nation. Not Democrats and not Republicans. No side should use them instead of standing up for them!

The Plum Line
Greg Sargent's blog
Veterans Group Blasts Right Wingers Pushing “Death Book” Claim As “Cruel” To Veterans
Today Rush Limbaugh used Ted Kennedy’s death to keep pushing the “death book” tale, that claim being spread on the right that Obama’s veteran’s agency is distributing manuals urging veterans to hurry up and die.

“No government of ours should ever become a partner in snuffing out a life,” Rush declared on the air. “Ted Kennedy didn’t have to read a death book. Ted Kennedy wasn’t asked to say, `Is my life worth living?’”

That’s unsightly enough on its own. But it turns out Rush’s broadside comes a day after the Vietnam Veterans of America, a national advocacy group, defended the manual and strongly denounced “death book” claims as “hysteria” and as “cruel” to veterans themselves.

“This booklet was developed with guidance from clerics, and it addresses options most of us and our loved ones will have to sort through as we live our final years,” the group said in a little-noticed statement that was sent my way. “To play politics with veterans’ end-of-life choices is not only irresponsible politically, but it is cruel.”
read more here
Veterans Group Blasts Right Wingers Pushing Death Book

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