
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Veterans are not stupid, stop treating them like they are

Why would so many be acting as if veterans are too stupid to make their own choices when it comes to the end of their lives? Sure, we value them when they are willing to lay down their lives for the sake of the rest of us, and we respect that decision. Hell, we even applaud them for it. So how is it that when they actually have bodies and health issues like the rest of us, there are some in this country acting as if they do not deserve the same right the rest of us have when it comes to how they want to be treated at the end of their lives?

My husband and I have living wills and gave medical power of attorney to each other. We know what the other one wants and have promised, if the worst happens, we will honor it. We had no problem at all reading the booklet and he filled out his wishes on a form for the VA.

Was the booklet well written? No but then again, most publications the VA puts out aren't either. Still we have to ask who in their right mind decided that veterans are not able to decide for themselves what it is they want? Who decided they don't deserve the same rights the rest of us have?

This is a false issue and you also need to be asking how it is that real problems our veterans face are not even discussed but this one is. Backlog of claims nearing one million? Is that an big issue? VA doctor screwing up but the veteran can't sue anyone? Is that a big issue? Ever check out the FERES Doctrine? NAMI giving an award to Dr. Katz, the same man covering up suicide statistics and having to change because of law suits and congressional action? Is that a big issue?

Our veterans are in deep trouble in this system but this issue gets blood boiling over nothing! Do they get great care from most VA hospitals? Yes. But there are problems that need our attention. This is a diversion and the people behind it should be ashamed of themselves.

You are able to read the false news, so how about you take the time to read the real document and stop spreading false fear when there are real things the veterans do have to worry about. Anything less than that, is what is really an assault against our veterans. They deserve more from you!

Your Life, Your Choices
There’s only one person who is truly qualified to
tell health care providers how you feel about
different kinds of health care issues—and that’s you.
But, what if you get sick, or injured so severely that
you can’t communicate with your doctors or family
members? Have you thought about what kinds of
medical care you would want? Do your loved ones
and health care providers know your wishes?
Many people assume that close family members
automatically know what they want. But studies
have shown that spouses guess wrong over half the
time about what kinds of treatment their husbands
or wives would want.
You can help assure that your wishes will direct
future health care decisions through the process of
advance care planning.

The Basics
Why do you need to think now about future health
care decisions? 5
Do you have strongly-held beliefs that should guide
your care? 6
If you couldn’t speak for yourself, what would you
want done for you? 7
Who will speak for me if I can’t speak for myself? 8
Common questions about choosing a spokesperson 9
What else can I do to make my wishes known? 10
Common questions about advance directives 11
What situations and decisions do people commonly face?
Dementia 12
Coma 13
Stroke 14
Terminal illness 15
Telling others what you want 16
Writing it down 17
What’s next? 18
Thought-provoking exercises
Introduction 19
Your Beliefs and Values
Who should speak for me? 20
What makes your life worth living? 21
Personal and spiritual beliefs 22
Hope for recovery 23
Weighing pros and cons of treatment
for different chances of recovery 23
Choices about death and dying
How would you like to spend your last days? 24
Organ donation and autopsy 25
Burial arrangements 25
Funeral or memorial services 26
Health conditions and treatments
Introduction 27
Health conditions
Coma 28
Dementia 29
Serious stroke 30
Terminal illness 31
Kidney dialysis 32
CPR-Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 33
Feeding tubes 34
Mechanical ventilators (breathing machines) 35
Hospice and palliative care 36
Your health care preferences
Introduction 37
Care preferences under different health conditions
Current health 38
Permanent coma 39
Severe dementia 40
Severe stroke 41
Terminal illness 42
A future situation of concern 43
How to talk about your wishes
Introduction 45
Talking about your wishes
Starting the discussion 46
Asking someone to be your spokesperson 47
Who else should you talk to? 47
What if you don't have close family or friends? 47
Nine important issues to discuss 48
Talking to your health care providers 49
Reviewing you wishes 50
Other issues
Legal and ethical issues of advance care planning 51

You have to wonder why FOX thinks our veterans are stupid by lying to them like this. Weren't they supposed to be the ones claiming they supported them? So why is it that when FOX could be helping them for real they come up with a load of garbage like this? The veterans have enough real problems as it is but instead of doing something real to help them, put pressure on our elected to take care of them, what they do is more harm than good. Shame on FOX!
Rove falsely claimed Obama admin. pushing vets toward "assisted suicide"
August 25, 2009 7:23 pm ET
Continuing Fox News' pattern of falsely suggesting that the Obama administration is pressuring veterans to end their lives prematurely, Karl Rove claimed that the Veterans Health Administration is directing veterans to an end-of-life educational booklet, "Your Life, Your Choices," that includes contact information for "a group that believes in assisted suicide," and thus "the kind of guidance we're giving returning veterans" is "you ought to go to an assisted suicide group." In fact, that group is not referenced in the current version of the document, a fact that Jim Towey -- who originated the smear of the booklet as a "death book" -- acknowledged in interview on Fox News Sunday.

Rove claimed booklet says vets "ought to go to an assisted suicide group"
Rove claimed "Compassionate Choices" a.k.a. "the Hemlock Society" referenced on "Page 99." Rove asserted that, concerning guidance on advanced directives, "Your Life, Your Choices" "lists one group ... Compassionate Choices [sic]," which "is a group that believes in assisted suicide." He added that "it gives their phone number and their log site." [Hannity, 8/24/09]

Booklet doesn't reference Compassion and Choices, Hemlock Society
Booklet contains no reference to Compassion and Choices or the Hemlock Society. Contrary to Rove's claim, the current version of the booklet as posted on the VA's website does not reference either group, nor does it provide "their phone number and their log site." ["Your Life, Your Choices"]

Towey admitted Compassion and Choices reference "pulled" from 2007 edition of booklet during Bush administration. During his Fox News Sunday interview, Towey alleged of "Your Life, Your Choices" that "[t]he 2007 edition said go to Compassion Choices [sic]. That's the Hemlock Society." After host Chris Wallace stated that "we need to point out that those references which were in ... the 2007 edition are not in the edition that is currently being circulated at the Veterans Administration," Towey acknowledged that "they pulled that page after we raised concerns about it." [Fox News Sunday, 8/23/09] Media Matters for America has documented that Towey, who originated the smear that "Your Life, Your Choices" is a "death book," has advanced numerous false claims about the VA's booklet and has a financial interest in undermining it.

There is no "Page 99" of "Your Life, Your Choices." In fact, the current version of the booklet as posted on the VA's website only contains 51 numbered pages. ["Your Life, Your Choices"]
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