
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Some people just don't get what 9-11 meant

Do you think they cared if someone was a Republican or a Democrat that day? Or any other day?

Unlike First Lady Michelle Obama, I won't back down from this. I have never been more proud of this country after 9-11 and more appalled by what it is turning into now. If you love your children, you correct their behavior. You may be proud of them but at the moments when you have to scream at them to stop acting like jerks, not so much pride there. You still love them the same way I still love this country but when politics have to take over every single thing that happens, including the event that changed this country for the better, even though it didn't last long, is just pure "jerk" from the people using it.

The problem for people like this is that 9-11 is etched into our hearts and memories so that no one can ever make us forget what it was like watching the firefighters and police officers rushing to the burning buildings. No one can forget how they stood side by side and spent endless days searching for the people lost because they knew someone was waiting for them, but they didn't come home. We saw them stand in reverence as one of their own was recovered. We saw what it was like to drive down any street in this country and see a sea of flags from every house and flying on cars.

We also remember what it was like when every member of Congress stood together as Americans!

House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R) says: “Senators and House members, Democrats and Republicans will stand shoulder to shoulder to fight this evil that has perpetrated on this nation. We will stand together to make sure that those who have brought forth this evil deed will pay the price.”

Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D) calls the day’s attacks “an assault on our people and on our freedom,” and says, “We, Republicans and Democrats, House and Senate, stand strongly united behind the president and we’ll work together to ensure that the full resources of the government are brought to bear in these efforts.” To applause, he announces, “Congress will convene tomorrow.” The press conference ends with the members of Congress joining together for an apparently spontaneous singing of “God Bless America.”

Congress History Commons

So please tell me how turning even this into some kind of political game is anything to be proud of?

Right-wingers cry socialism over 9/11 anniversary plan backed by many in GOP

By Daniel Tencer

Published: August 25, 2009

Right-wing commentators are claiming that the White House is planning to “erase the meaning” of the 9/11 attacks and turn the anniversary into “a day of leftist celebration and statist idolatry” — despite the fact that the plan for a National Day of Service on 9/11 had broad bipartisan support.

An article by Matthew Vadum, published Monday in the American Spectator, states that the president’s plan for a National Day of Service, to be celebrated on September 11, would eliminate 9/11 as a political tool for Republicans.

“The plan is to turn a ‘day of fear’ that helps Republicans into a day of activism called the National Day of Service that helps the left,” writes Vadum. “In other words, nihilistic liberals are planning to drain 9/11 of all meaning.”

As some commentators have pointed out, Vadum’s article overlooks the fact that the idea to link the 9/11 anniversary to volunteerism was originally promoted by President George W. Bush, and the bill to make it law, passed this spring, had bipartisan support.

Seventy House Republicans and 22 GOP senators voted for the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (GIVE) Act, which established the National Day of Service and Remembrance on September 11.
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Right-wingers cry socialism over 9 11

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