
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Please stop looking really stupid

Please stop looking really stupid, it's bad use of God's gift of your brain.

I keep getting emails with the claim that Obama wants to make veterans pay for their care, even though it's pretty much already being done and didn't start with him. This is the truth on what happened and it came from the American Legion site. The thought was gone as soon as it was explained to President Obama how it could end up hurting veterans. Given the fact McCain wanted non-combat veterans out of the VA all together, I have to wonder where the Republican mind is? He wanted to hand out cards to any veteran that did not get wounded in combat so they could go get their own care,,,nice guy, not!

Office of the Press Secretary

March 18, 2009

Statement from Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on the President's Strong Commitment to America's Veterans:

The President has consistently stated that he is committed to working with veterans on the details of the 2010 VA Budget Proposal. The President demonstrated his deep commitment to veterans by proposing the largest increase in the VA budget in 30 years and calling VSO and MSO leaders into the White House for an unprecedented meeting to discuss various aspects of the budget proposal. In considering the third party billing issue, the administration was seeking to maximize the resources available for veterans; however, the President listened to concerns raised by the VSOs that this might, under certain circumstances, affect veterans and their families' ability to access health care. Therefore, the President has instructed that its consideration be dropped. The President wants to continue a constructive partnership with the VSOs and MSOs and is grateful to those VSOs and MSOs who have worked in good faith with him on the budget proposal.


WASHINGTON (March 18, 2009) - The leader of the nation's largest veterans organization applauded President Obama for dropping his plan to bill private insurance companies for the treatment of military veterans who have suffered service-connected disabilities and injuries.

"We are glad that President Obama listened to the strong objections raised by The American Legion and veterans everywhere about this unfair plan," said American Legion National Commander David K Rehbein. "We thank the administration for its proposed increase in the VA budget and we are always available to assist by providing guidance to ensure a veterans health care system that is worthy of the heroes that use it."

Following a meeting this afternoon with The American Legion and other veterans service organizations, the White House announced that it will no longer be considering billing insurance companies or veterans for their service-connected disabilities.

"Although we disagreed with the proposal, additional revenue streams are needed by VA," Rehbein said. "I strongly encourage Congress and the administration to allow VA to begin billing Medicare for the treatment of Medicare-eligible nonservice-connected veterans. They paid into Medicare for their entire working careers and should be able to use it in the medical system that was built specifically for them."

With a current membership of 2.6 million wartime veterans, The American Legion was founded in 1919 on the four pillars of a strong national security, veterans affairs, Americanism, and the mentoring of youth. Legionnaires work for the betterment of their communities through more than 14,000 posts across the nation.

Next, congress passed a rule in the 90's allowing the VA to collect for "non-service connected" care, but what this did was end up making veterans pay for care because their claim was not approved yet. The insurance companies didn't have to pay for anything a VA doctor diagnosed as connected to military service, even if they were paying for private health insurance. The veteran with a tied up claim had to pay out of their pocket based on their incomes. I don't have a clue why the Legion Commander or President Obama acted as if this is not happening already because we've been handing over our private health insurance cards for years even though my husband had a full disability. We also had to pay with our own money while we were paying for health insurance when his claim was tied up.

Getting back to this stupid email that is still circulating, it's really horrible some people will not use the brains God gave them. It's almost as bad as people screaming they don't want Government healthcare when they are getting their care from the VA or from Medicare or Medicaid, which is government run. They never seem to understand this either. I would love to know why some members of congress want to get rid of these programs if they are so insistent on no government run healthcare? If you have any of your care provided by any of these services, I'd be really angry if I were you that they want you to go out and get your own care. After all, that's what they've been saying all along. Don't get mad at the people trying to make these programs work right and better by expanding them. Get mad at the people saying you don't deserve your's either!

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