
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Healthcare? Thou shall not lie

Yes I know President Obama said the same thing yesterday and I wonder what took so long to just say it like it is. The cool thing is that a politican is being a human and saying things the rest of us have been saying. But I wanted to update you on this from CNN.


Debunked health care rumors live on
Rep. Allen Boyd was asked at a health care town hall if reform would let the government access bank accounts. "That's not true," the Florida Democrat responded. "When someone sends you something on the Internet that sounds crazy, how about just checking it a little bit?" The CNN Truth Squad has debunked that rumor. Yet other dubious claims keep coming up. full story

It is time to stop calling it being misinformed. It is time to stop calling in rumors. They are out right lies and anyone that believes lies when the truth is available to find is committing a sin especially when they push lies. There is no excuse.

This healthcare reform will not fund abortions.
This healthcare reform will not take care of people here illegally.
This healthcare reform will not take anyone off Medicare, Medicaid or the VA

Cuts to the budget for Medicare will be achieved by cutting out waste, like making elderly people go for the same blood tests by different specialists for the same problem. This used to drive my Mom nuts. She often wondered if there was any blood left in her body and had to deal with large bruises on her arms. X-rays, already paid for on a body part, were retaken by a different doctor. This made no sense at all. It will not take people off of Medicare. It will not pull the plug. End of life talks with a doctor are about taking care of what people want and not about the "government deciding who lives and who dies" as the lie goes.

Everyone concerned about healthcare reform has the ability to read and listen. If they are too damn lazy to learn what the truth is and then decide if they still have concerns as informed people, are still committing a sin.

When God formed the universe He placed the sun at the center of it, yet many, especially misinformed people believing a lie, said the people telling the truth were committing a sin. They were wrong and God's perfect design with the sun placed right where it was, was attacked when the truth was there.

When it was said the world was round, but others believed it was flat repeated the lie, but the world was still just as round as the day God created it.

When God blessed you with a fully functioning body, working together in harmony with the brain controlling all of it, He expected you to use your mind to learn and let your conscience guide you. If you are more interested in what sounds like the truth than finding out what the truth is, they you are not using your brain and again, you are committing a sin.

What is worse in all of this is you are ignoring the millions of people in this country without what they need to live, their health. When people are not as much afraid of dying as they are being sick, that is a sin. My friend died of cancer but when she first found out about it, she was terrified of not being able to afford getting well. People have to keep spending more and more of their hard earned money to pay the premiums when they are lucky enough to have insurance and then are told they cannot get what they need or lose it as soon as they lose their jobs.

Does anyone think of premiums going up but paychecks don't while the healthcare companies make huge profits off your back?

This is a big deal for this country and the people behind the lies should be called what they are and then pay the price for their lies. If they are on cable news, they should lose their jobs. If they are paid by the insurance companies against reform, they are not thinking about you at all and considering we're talking about your health, that makes it even more outrageous.

Stop sinning and start listening to what the truth really is.

Here's an update,,,,,

August 19th, 2009
Obama appeals to faith-based groups for help on health care
Posted: 06:20 PM ET
WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Barack Obama appealed Wednesday to faith-based groups for help in gaining support for his plan to overhaul the nation’s health-care system.
“I need you to knock on doors, talk to neighbors, spread the facts and speak the truth,” he told religious leaders and reporters on a conference call that was streamed over the Web at
“This debate over health care goes to the heart of who we are as a people,” he said. “I believe that nobody in America should be denied basic health care because he or she lacks health insurance.”
Obama urged the listeners to reject misinformation about his plans, noting, “There are some folks out there who are, frankly, bearing false witness.”
He referred to some assertions as “ludicrous,” and cited as an example rumors that the government is planning to set up “death panels” to determine the fate of the nation’s elderly.
“These are all fabrications that have been put out there in order to discourage people from meeting what I consider to be a core ethical and moral obligation: that is, that we look out for one another; that is, I am my brother’s keeper, I am my sister’s keeper. And in the wealthiest nation in the world right now we are neglecting to live up to that call.”

Here's one more for you.

A Jewish man is talking to reporters about socialized medicine in Israel. He talked about how they honor their soldiers there with healthcare and not leaving them on the streets. Then he said that when they have Memorial Day, it's to honor them and not have a mattress sale.

A woman standing off camera says "Heil Hitler" to the man talking. Then he pointed out that she should be ashamed of herself.

When the man was talking about having to go the emergency room and having to pay $8,000 for two hours, she made the baby whine cry. Now this is a woman we are supposed to respect the opinion of? I don't think so!

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