
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson's Death, get over it if you can find a station not covering it

Another update,,,thanks to O'Reilly. The problem is that O'Reilly didn't think Jackson deserved any of this,,,,I just thought it didn't have to be covered every day for two weeks and then on every station on the planet. O'Reilly, well, what did you expect out of him? By the way, O'Reilly faulted Jackson for spending his own money at the same time he was rasing money with We Are The World. What is wrong with O'Reilly when he has all his own money and refuses to even acknowledge homeless veterans? Seems O'Reilly should first put his own money where his own mouth is.

Bill O'Reilly Says Jackson Is No Black Icon
News host Bill O'Reilly is famous for incendiary statements and no holds barred debates, and he continued his streak of controversial comments in his first broadcast after Michael Jackson's memorial service Tuesday. After opening the segment with a pledge to honor the Jackson family's request for privacy, O'Reilly digs right in with criticisms of Jackson's kids, spending habits - and skin care.
First, O'Reilly calls out Jackson's "incredible selfishness - spending hundreds of million dollars on himself while singing 'We Are the World,'" and adds that it "should make any clear-thinking American nauseous."

read more here
O'Reilly Says Jackson Is No Black Icon

UPDATE July 8,,,and they still find reason to keep Jackson at the top of their news,,,,,

Goodbye Michael: Star, brother, friend, father
'Daddy has been the best father,' Paris tells crowd
Michael Jackson's 11-year-old daughter touched the hearts of millions when she bid a tearful farewell to her father at his memorial service. Paris Jackson, surrounded and supported by relatives, called her dad "the best father you could ever imagine." full story
Paris: 'Best father' Family farewell
NBA greats Sharpton Shields
Songs: Hudson Usher Wonder
Highlights of the memorial More videos
Full coverage Your memories Photos
Warwick: 'New insight' is Jackson's legacy
Jackson still 'King of Pop' on Billboard charts

Time: A strange, gaudy and moving farewell

Top stories on CNN. Notice a trend here?

Goodbye Michael: Star, brother, friend, father
An 11-year-old who lost her father made the world cry with her on Tuesday. "Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine," said Paris Jackson, the second of Michael Jackson's three children, as a massive memorial service for her father neared its end in Los Angeles. developing story
Paris: 'Best father' Family farewell
NBA greats Sharpton Shields
Songs: Hudson Usher Wonder
Highlights of the memorial More videos
Full coverage Your memories Photos

Michael Jackson: 1958-2009

Highlights from the pop icon's life and death, plus your tributes and memories
Jackson Remembered

Latest News
'I'll be there': Fans, stars join in farewell
Jackson memorial lights up Internet

L.A. wants help paying for Jackson memorial
Jackson memorial unpredictably normal
Time: A strange, gaudy and moving farewell
Brazile: A day to celebrate Michael Jackson How are you honoring MJ today?

When the news broke that Michael Jackson died, it was the same day Farrah Fawcett died, the media just proved what they can do when they want to do it. They obliterated every other news story for the last two weeks. Palin got away with pulling a fast one off on the people of Alaska using the excuse now of the investigations into her life, but that has been going on since she said yes to McCain. Nothing new there but suddenly it's just too much for the Alaskan's to endure? Give me a break. Governor "hot flash" Sanford, takes off on the people of South Carolina and his family, then insults his wife over his affair being a "real love story" and gets away with it. We didn't know Michael Jackson any better than we knew Farrah Fawcett or Palin or Sanford. We saw them on TV. The difference was that the media jumped on the rest of the world and wanted to ride on Jackson's coattails. It really is a shame.

He was a man I watched grow up just like everyone else my age. Today, I turned 50. Jackson hit my TV set when I was just a year younger and while I adored hearing him sing, mesmerized with the way he danced, I never felt like I knew him. He was a tremendous talent and should have been honored but this has been a ridiculous show. It's as if the entire world stopped mattering.

President Obama was in Russia and managed to get them to allow more flights in their airspace to help with the military campaign in Afghanistan. They were also working on cutting down on the nukes. Did you notice any of that?

Lindsey Baum of McCleary Washington has been missing for 11 days now. She turns 11 today but her father is not only afraid he will not see her soon, he's afraid he'll have to deploy to Iraq before she's found. Scott Baum is a member of the Tennessee National Guard.

Did you know that according to, we've lost 19 lives in Afghanistan so far this 7 days into July?

Did you know that NAMI Veterans Council saw fit to award Dr. Ira Katz, the man with the VA connected to the suicide deaths of our veterans and the cover-up so serious there were law suits and congressional action over this, but they decided he deserved an award for what he was forced to do, which has been too little and way too late for too many? Seems like that should be a big deal considering a lot of families had to also attend funerals for people gone way too soon. They died by their own hand because the government, the one we fund with our tax dollars, decided back when they sent the troops to war, they were not worth taking care of when they came home. All of them had families, friends and people left behind grieving wondering what the hell is wrong with this country when no one seems to care. For Heaven's sake! This is the National Alliance on Mental Illness Veterans Council we're talking about here! Any idea how many people with mental illness have been depending on them? Any idea what a stunt like this will do to the veterans they just slapped in the face?

I turned on TV today dealing with some pain from my back and all I saw was coverage of Jackson day on every channel. They actually filmed the ride from here to there and then wasted time filling it with people talking about Jackson as if they knew him any better than anyone else. Nothing else mattered. I turned on talk radio and there again, Michael Jackson. Tell me, aside from the media coverage of the trail and his acquittal, how much have we even heard about him until recently? We're talking about the last ten years of the man's life. How much coverage has there been? So what is this all about now? This is about money. This is about hyping all of this so that people can make money off his death.

The media can claim that they are about honoring Michael Jackson all they want but in the end they are just feeding like vultures. Had they really respected Jackson's career, his talent or even his music, they would have heard what most of this songs were about. They were about doing good and taking care of other people. We heard some of that today. The problem is this does not translate into the brains of the media when they actually could be saving lives right now, today!

If I did not track reports from across the country I wouldn't have even known about Lindsey Baum missing. Where are the reports to try to find her the way the story of Caylee Anthony was all over the media for months on end? I wouldn't be able to post anything of what we can do or what is being done for the troops or our veterans if I didn't have the local media outlets reporting on any of it. All the national news cares about is what they think will cause the remote control to stop at their station. Gone are the days when they reported on what mattered and what was really important. Today the world said good-bye to Michael Jackson but we said good-bye to real reporting a very long time ago. We just didn't notice.

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