
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Take a break,,,,we all need it

Lately it seems that I am in one meeting or training than doing anything else. Today it was DEEP Training,,,,Disaster and Extreme Event Preparedness. It is to help first responders and be there for them and when they are not in need, for the survivors. Thursday nights it's NAMI Family to Family training to help support families living with mental illness. This came after a conference call with NAMI Veterans Council. Seems like there are weeks when it just never ends.

The point to all of this is the mood I'm in right now. Usually I get to have Friday to do something fun with my husband. Yesterday I had a meeting to go to instead, so all we ended up just getting a late lunch and then back home, back to work online. The difference is that I really needed a break this week. It's very important for anyone working with stressful situations they take a break! I'm emotionally exhausted and drained physically. We all need a break, to step away from what we do, what we read and yes, even helping others.

I'm great at lecturing friends when they feel they need to keep going no matter how they feel, what they are dealing with or how stressed out they are. Great at giving the advice but not at taking it.

This will be the only post today because I am forcing myself to listen to what all the experts say about doing this kind of work. I'm taking a break tonight. I plan on playing a game online, then having something to eat and then, finding some kind of funny movie on cable and just relax. If you work with others, trying to give your all away to help them, take some time to refill your tank too or you won't do them any good at all.


  1. Thanks for taking care of you. You are not alone and I usally tell others to take my adive I'm not using it anyway. LOL thanks and have a relaxing katie night you deserve it. Eileen

  2. Hi Eileen,
    Take advice as well as you give and make sure you get some rest for yourself. It helped me yesterday and today I cut back to chill out a bit for Father's Day.


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