Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tea Party Protesters pick wrong target at Veterans Memorial

Aside from President Obama increasing the military budget by 4 percent, cutting wasteful spending, they are reporting as a cut in the military budget, now they pick on veterans! What were they thinking doing this at the memorial for veterans? These are the same group of people supporting Bush when he cut spending for veterans aren't they? Aren't these the same people that never raised one voice in protest over the limitless spending for Iraq and the contractors receiving pallets full of money to supply contaminated drinking water for the troops, shabby electrical work that electrocuted troops taking showers, left them in base housing filled with mold and falling apart along with Warrior Transition Units falling apart not to mention Walter Reed? Where were their protests then? Now they decide they want to protest at the Veterans Memorial? Are they out of their minds?

'Tea Party' location irks veterans

The Morning Sun

For 17 months during the Korean War, Bob Roberts took part in combat missions as a soldier in the United States Army.

After reflecting on his time in uniform on Monday, Roberts said, “That makes me a really old geezer.”

It also makes him something else: a veteran. And it’s for the latter that he has a problem with tomorrow’s “Taxpayer Tea Party” to be held at the Veterans Memorial at Pittsburg State University.

It’s not the message he takes issue with, but rather the location.

“This is something that really upset me,” he said. “The Veterans Memorial, as far as I’m concerned, is hallowed ground. To have a partisan, political ‘tea party’ there really offends my sensibilities.”

These “tea parties” have been going on across the country and close to 30 are scheduled to take place in Kansas on Wednesday. The purpose of the rallies is to protest against government spending, including Wall Street bailouts and the recent stimulus bill, which supporters said was necessary to begin to fix the economy.

Pittsburg’s event is scheduled to begin at 5 p.m. and will feature Republican Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins, as well as members of the Patriot Guard Riders.

Since it was announced that the rally would take place at the Veterans Memorial, several local residents have expressed displeasure with the site choice.

Bob Torbett is the director of the American Legion Riders and a member of the Kansas Patriot Guard, which is different than the PGR who will attend the rally. He also is the son of a World War II veteran. He opposes having the “tea party” at the Veterans Memorial.

“It’s everybody’s right to have a protest, but our complaint is that it’s at the Veterans Memorial,” he said, speaking on behalf of the ALR. “Most people think of the Veterans Memorial as a sacred place. It’s a place to reflect, to remember why we’re here today and the people who have sacrificed for that.”
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