
Sunday, April 19, 2009

PTSD on Trial:Tragedy that followed Sgt. Horner home from Iraq

Iraq Vet in Pennsylvania Murders Was Radically Changed by War and PTSD
Tim King
PTSD sufferers can't always leave the war behind.

Photos of Nicholas Horner:

(ALTOONA, Penn.) - Tragedy and war-inspired Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can meet like a head on crash when the nation's care providers at the Veterans Administration, notorious for lies and deceit, deny our combat veterans the care they need.

This story of deadly, senseless shootings in Altoona, Pennsylvania April 6th is possibly the most tragic story I have ever reported, and if it isn't, it is among the very worst.

The most agonizing fact is that it possibly could have been avoided with a proper diagnosis from the VA. Sergeant Nicholas Horner is a highly decorated war veteran who was sent to Iraq repeatedly. On his third tour things went south and he was sent home.

But according to what we can tell, this soldier, in spite of having his weapon taken away and being sent home early from Iraq, on his third tour, was never officially designated as having PTSD.

Family and friends say this father of two came back from the third tour as a changed man. He had to fight to receive treatment from the VA and nobody should have to do that. In the most basic sense, being damaged goods from the war is not what anyone wishes. They are placed in extremely dangerous positions for long periods of time and they do it for a year each time they deploy.

go here for more


  1. Dear Friend,
    I live in Altoona and the reaction to this whole medd has been depressing and scarry.
    The local paper (Altoona Mirror) did an OK job but the article clearly reflected the reporters bias and lack of understanding.
    I attend 1 of the 7 PTSD groups at the Altoona VA. We struggle with it, we are 95% Vietnam Vets.
    Someone should put together a web page with the "good" sites (like this one) and publicize it to reporters and academics.
    I am pretty jammed up about this the first person shot was a great kid,the last was just an average retiree who went to check the mail.
    The middle person was shot and made to look at the body of the first victum for a long time.
    Our VA does outreach to cops and community groups, but doesnt have a mandate to educate the press.
    Lets pray for all of these folks.
    Lew P

  2. Hi Lew,
    It's what I've been trying to do since 1982! I have no power and maybe I'm just too inadequate to do it. I don't know. What I do know is that the media is not really interested in listening to what the reality of PTSD is. They can't understand what happens in a flashback or where they go when they have a nightmare any more than they can understand the fact the men and women that serve this country are unique among us. The fraction of veterans in this country causes too little attention until they end up committing a crime and then suddenly the media is interested.

    What I find extremely telling is that I have two blogs. One is older and I hardly ever post on it now. This blog focused on PTSD and the people this country depends upon. The other blog gets about two hundred more hits a week. I did a post on a Marine tossing a puppy off a cliff and that one received thousands of hits but on the same day, there were a lot of other posts on the suffering of our heroes receiving one or two hits. The American people are just too disconnected from the troops and our veterans. I don't know if the media has lead the way on this disconnect or they sense the ambivalence of the public.

  3. Hi katie, long time since we spoke. The book "ON GREEN LAWNS" I wrote on my story and my stepson a IRAQ vet who shot and killed someone after being denied treatment for PTSD. Some of the proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to the care and treatment of veterans with PTSD.I need all the support I can get to get the word out about the book,So we can help stop these senseless killings. I am starting a list of people who will be emailed when the book is published. please help get the word out. any one can contact me Thanks

  4. Hi Eileen,
    It has been a long time. Please let me know when it's published. I'll be more than happy to post about it.

  5. Thanks I'll keep you posted. I can't thank you enough for all the help you give everyone.

  6. Eileen, I don't do anything I didn't wish others did for me way back in 1982 when I was about as lonely and lost as a person could be. I remember the few I found over the years that did offer to help and let me lean on them. It's because of them and knowing what it's like to feel lost I just try to give back. Thank you though for what you said. It's been a bit rough road to walk on.

  7. you are very humble your words,postings and blogs have helped me along my journey I Only hope I can give as much and reach as many people as you. I need to keep my vioce loud and clear to help all those that have lost thier voice.

  8. Eileen you're about to make me cry. I thank you for how you feel about me.

    I know that your heart is in the right place and you want to do it because of the pain you feel, so the Good Lord will bless you and guide you as He has me. I'll do all I can for you because you want to help others and have the heart to do it.


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