
Friday, February 6, 2009

Note to the GOP, Get out of the way

People like me have been listening to the GOP members of Congress for far too long to be willing to put up with this nonsense any longer. Even the Daily Show managed to point out last night the same people whining now about the stimulus bill were the same ones not giving a damn about billions missing in Iraq. Knock it off people! You are the same ones that managed to whine moan and complain when Democrats wanted to use the only ability they had to stop some of these devastating disaster bills you wanted to pass. Now, suddenly it's ok to filibuster? In case you didn't notice the election was about what all of you had been doing and we're fed up! We've had enough suffering so that you can turn around and just keep demanding to torture us. What's up with you people anyway and the torture thing? Do you really like to see people suffering? How "Christian" is that?

Last year I lost my job working for a church because of your decisions to fund the rich and expected them to take care of the rest of us. That didn't happen. We just suffered more. My brother had a high paying construction job. He lost his job in October and less than a week later, he died at the age of 56 of a massive heart attack. AND YOU EXPECT US TO JUST LISTEN TO YOU? Your the ones that got us into this mess in the first place!

We listened to your speeches and Bush's speeches demanding an up or down vote. Live with it and live up to what you yourselves demanded. Give these bills and up or down vote and get out of the way! We're tired of suffering and waiting for you guys to wake up!


  1. Kathie. Amen Amen The GOP managed to screw things up, and now want to keep up the same old tactics. I loved President Obama's comment about the budget mess, quote:
    "when I walked into the Oval Office, this budget deficit and mess were waiting for me, tied up with a big red bow". I am sick to death of all the politics going on. The GOP had their chance, and now we are in a financial mess, as well as two wars that are sending our troops with the "invisible injuries" that the DOD is dragging their heals on treating PTSD, as well as so other things.

    ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !!! Just another frustrated NAMIVet Council member.

  2. We're all frustrated Grandma B. We're all hurting and waiting for someone to finally wake up and remember if the majority of the American people fail, we all fail. That's why Obama is in the White House and McCain is not. The GOP in Congress just can't understand they did this to us by what they did the last 8 years and we want them to either want this nation to pull together and fix what's wrong or get out of the way. Lord knows patience has been beaten out of us.


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