
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Florida Catholic Church focuses on PTSD but not for the troops or veterans

Florida Catholic Church focuses on PTSD but not for the troops or veterans or for anyone else that ends up wounded by traumatic events other than abortion. Pretty shameful when you think that right here in Central Florida they won't bother with the others. I know because I tried. I visited over 20 really large churches with the plea to help veterans, especially the National Guards and Reservists along with their families. No one responded except for one pastor. He happened to be a Chaplain as well.

PTSD strikes people after traumatic events and is a human wound. Does this church ever think of the others? Do they ever think beyond abortion? Think of the people they are not serving because they ignore the huge amount of people suffering, feeling abandoned by God or worse, judged by Him because of serving the nation, being willing to lay down their lives for the sake of the nation. They ignore the people after hurricanes and tornadoes, crimes, just as they ignore police, firefighters and emergency responders. Why? What will it take for the church to be involved in the lives of people they are supposed to be ministering to? All of them and not just a select need their help but they ignore them.

January 15, 2009

Retreats allow healing to begin
One in an occasional series of columns about Project Rachel post-abortion ministry in Florida.


Published: 01.14.09

Often overlooked in the abortion debate is the potential negative impact on those women and men who for whatever reason participate in procuring an abortion. This is a highly controversial subject. Many people, especially those who have a vested interest in pro-abortion arguments, have asserted that there are few if any negative effects. However, there is an increasing body of research that suggests there are indeed post-abortive effects for some people.

The term “post-abortion syndrome” was first used in the early 1980s by Vincent Rue, a psychologist and trauma specialist, when he compared it to post-traumatic stress disorder, commonly referred to as PTSD. PTSD is a mental health disorder in which a person is emotionally and psychologically impaired as a result of severe trauma. Some of the symptoms experienced can be depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, nightmares and flashbacks. PTSD can also contribute to increased substance abuse and difficulties in relationships. Post-abortion syndrome is not officially recognized as a diagnosis in the mental health community as of yet. However, ongoing research suggests that it may in fact be a legitimate psychological reality for many people.

They can understand women feeling at odds with God when it comes to this but they fail to understand all the other humans after traumatic events. Shame on them! Christ said there is no greater love than this, the willingness to lay down your life for the sake of your friends.

John 15:13
13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

Yet Christ's body of churches will not help those who were willing to do just that!

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