
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ann Coulter misses the point as usual

Ann Coulter does it again. First she goes after President Elect Obama, then attacks, you guessed it, single mothers. - The Majority, Silent No Longer
After Vietnam, every returning veteran was a psycho killer or a homeless bum. Until the VFW did a report showing we were less likely than the general population to be either, it was an accepted fact thanks to the media and Hollywood

I was really hoping for something different when this came in Google Alerts. As soon as I saw Ann Coulter's name, I buzzed through it because I knew I'd regret reading all of it. If you feel the need to read it click the link above.

As for the claim of the VFW standing up for the Vietnam veterans when they came back, she really needs to talk to some Vietnam veterans to find out that the older veterans and the service organizations already established treated the Vietnam veterans as if they didn't deserve to walk in the front door. They were treated as if they were "not even veterans" but what they turned around to do was fight for all veterans. Their credo, never again will one generation leave behind another. Because of what they did and how hard they fought PTSD is recognized by the DOD and the VA as a combat related disability. Veterans from other wars were also wounded. The same ones that turned their backs on Vietnam veterans, were helped by Vietnam veterans. It's because of their work that Iraq and Afghanistan veterans are being treated better but it's far from what needs to be done. People like Coulter didn't want to hear what the Vietnam veterans were saying, how they ended up homeless or ended up in jail because too many came home with PTSD and were not treated for it. Same thing happens today but Coulter was just too busy attacking President Obama and single Moms instead of actually trying to address the needs of veterans.

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