
Monday, January 26, 2009

Agent Orange Veterans Pay Attention and Do Something!

When my husband went to the VA and was tested for Agent Orange,they knew where the spraying was, when they did it and what units were there. They told my husband he was exposed to it, which he already knew. Then they said the words we were not prepared for. "There are no adverse health affects YET!" Which meant someday there will be. That was over ten years ago. Ever since then, any health problems he has, we see our stress level go up until we find out what it is.

Make sure you get tested and make sure you get on the Agent Orange registry. You will get updates from them so that you can stay on top of what's going on. They are still linking illnesses to Agent Orange. Even if you don't think that you are one of the many, get tested and find out for sure if they sprayed in your area.

This was sent by email.

We need you help getting to word about an Agent Orange related illness also related to Spina Bifida to all Vietnam Veteran and their children..

My Fellow Vietnam Veterans.. I have information for you that you all of you should know about your children even in their 40’s may be at risk for illnesses from your exposure to Agent Orange... This is very serious and is for real.. And you need to forward this on to every Vietnam Veteran you come in contact with…I ask you to forward this on to all Vietnam Veterans on your buddy list and post this in your local VFW’s American Legion and pass the word on to everyone you know that is a Vietnam Veteran..

1.) If you served in Vietnam or offshore during the Vietnam War you were exposed to Agent Orange.. This is a fact..

2.) Your children may be flirting with danger they may have an illnesses that is related to your Agent Orange exposure that now just be showing up in your children.. Because in many, many cases this illness does not show up in our children until they are in their 30’s and even into their 40’s and beyond..

This illness is a Spina Bifida Related Illness that you may have never been aware of… Now I can just hear some of you there is nothing wrong with my kids.. well maybe and maybe not.... Do you want to chance it ??? this illness is called Arnold Chiari Malformation (ACM) And there are various forms of this illness .. And they can not be detected without an MRI and a trained neurologist or neurosurgeon reading your MRI films.. Many,many doctors have no clue as to what the hell Arnold Malformation(ACM) even is... so don't go to your General Practitioner and expect to get answers..… there are many, many symptoms to this illness like dizziness, head rushes, numbness in the arms legs and back , blindness, and a ton of other symptoms like migraines and even paraplegia .. A good place to check out symptoms is on the Mayo Clinics web site.. Or on any of the ACM web groups on or just type in Spina Or you can go to this VA's web site and read the fact sheet on this here is the address..

Veterans if your child has this illness the VA does provide medical benefits and monetary compensation for this illness for your child.... You can also learn about this at http// then type in Spina Bifida … the VA has posted lots of information about this illness.. I have two of my children with this illness so I have already done much investigating of this.. And have already filed claims for each of my kids.. So I would suggest that you talk with your kids no matter what ages they are.. And if they have ever had any symptoms that were not found to be something other then this illness I would suggest they seek out medical help and get an MRI done as soon as possible. Again this is a very serious illness that can leave you paralyzed from the neck down as my daughter almost was.. also once they reach that point this this can not be reversed .. But if caught before this is to bad they can do decompression surgery and make life worth living again..

Vietnam Veterans this is one time Vietnam Veterans need to take a stand on something .. These are our children.. And they deserve better.. The Gov. poisoned us with Agent Orange which was worng as hell… Now we are just finding out they have also poisoned our children and this to me is unacceptable

This kind of uncaring for our Veterans and our Veterans Children will not be tolerated by Veterans any longer or by the American People..

Please Take Action Now.. Forward this to everyone on your mailing list.

To contact me Email: Tom at toby549_99 …..or I can be contacted me at where I will be posting more information about this ..
Thank God Bless and good luck to you all .....

Tom…. 5th Inf. Div. I Corp. Quang Tri Vietnam 68-69
Dave..... MCB-40 Chu-Lia, Quang Tri,Phu-Bia,Dung-Ha, Viet Nam 66&68

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