
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Women At War video blocked

Taking a couple of days off and just checked my email. Looks like YouTube has just blocked another video. Women At War will no longer be available. Over 11,000 hits and now they block it. This is the email I received. Guess that if you have Creative Commons and do this all for free to help women with PTSD find the support and understanding they need, it doesn't matter to anyone anymore. This is just one more example of why I am so frustrated with doing these videos. If anyone wants to see the video still, it's on my web site at
It will stay up there until I receive word to pull it down, but they will have to explain to me what the problem is. You cannot talk to YouTube or Google and get them to explain how a video like this bothers the artist.

Dear NamGuardianAngel,

Video Disabled

A copyright owner has claimed it owns some or all of the audio content in your video Women At War and PTSD. The audio content identified in your video is In My Life by Bette Midler. We regret to inform you that your video has been blocked from playback due to a music rights issue.

Replace Your Audio with AudioSwap

Don't worry, we have plenty of music available for your use. Please visit our AudioSwap library to learn how you can easily replace the audio in your video with any track from our growing library of fully licensed songs.

Other Options

If you think there's been a mistake, or you have other questions, please visit the Copyright Notice page in your account.

The YouTube Content Identification Team

Women At War and PTSD
We forget how many women go into combat and have since wars first began. They die. They get wounded bodies and minds. They also suffer beyond what is "normal" conditions for men because of their gender. This is for all the women who serve in the military.

Added: December 03, 2006, 04:06 PMTime: 08:02
Views: 11,501Rating: Comments: 35Responses: 0Broadcast: Public

11,501 hits and 35 comments for a video on PTSD for women veterans at a time when women veterans need it the most and they block the video! Nice work pulling something like this but it's not the first video of mine they've done this to.


  1. Your "Women At War" video contained copyright material, for one the background music.
    What part of copyright infringement don't you understand?
    YouTube was not blocking your video because of content or anything personal against you or your work.
    I wouldn't post it on your blog - you may be getting a legal notice.
    Suggestion: Remake the video without someone else's copyrighted work.
    People are interested in the material, it is just that copyrights/permissions should be taken seriously and with respect to the original author/creator.

  2. Do you know what Creative Commons is? Do you know what educational use only is? Do you know what it means when you do even go above that and get permission to use the music in videos but see them blocked anyway? Do you know what it's like to go into YouTube and see the same song in someone else's video under the same rules your video was not allowed to use?

    Please, with all due respect, do not lecture me on this.

    As for copyright, even when I do have permission as with a few of the videos, no one cared.

    Hours of searching for the right music to use, spending hundreds of dollars on music because I do believe in paying the artist, then using only old music which ends up giving them exposure for old songs, then more hours putting it all together to save lives, only to find out that other people can use the same song? All of my videos are free use to all and right now I can't pay my bills partly because of all the money I spent doing this kind of work for free, but you decide you know better than I do.
    By the way, one more example is that Tody Keith did not object to his music being used and neither did his record company. When War Comes Home Part Two had two of his songs. YouTube used the software to find the music and just blocked it. I fought it but it was too late. They ended up giving permission, but I couldn't get the music to play again and then YouTube wouldn't allow me to upload it again. It also happened with a song Wildflower by Skylark, which I not only had permission to use, but the blessing of everyone involved in it, including the person who wrote the lyrics. The same thing happened.
    Please feel proud you just rubbed salt into this wound I carry. But if you knew my work or who I saved, I doubt you would have written this comment.

  3. CK:
    Yes, I know what "Creative Commons" is; however, I must have missed the credits listing in your video.
    It wasn't meant to be a "lecture" - I liked what you were doing at your site and didn't want to see you get in trouble - taken from a particular experience I had.
    I certainly didn't intend to "rub salt" into your self-inflicted wounds.
    If it matters, I appreciated your efforts put into the video as well as your blog and commend you. Maybe I didn't relay that or stress that in the commentary.
    Your battle should be taken against YouTube, not me - and any commentary made is only from what information you provided.
    I apologize if I missed the credits you supplied with permissions on your video, and am not proud that you're feelings got hurt. But then, bloggers, citizen journalists, shouldn't wear their emotions upon their sleeves.
    YouTube, apparently according to what you stated, is your enemy - not me.
    Can we kiss and make up?

  4. My fight was with YouTube but you left the comment.,,,,anyway, the point is, when I had permission, (not on this video since it was one of the first ones I did) YouTube didn't care. They use software to find music and the block it, but they don't do it to everyone. The biggest problem I have now is that while I was getting thousands of hits on YouTube and making a big difference, now they are even harder to find, so not doing very many people much good. It breaks my heart.
    The videos are being used all over the country and making a difference, but when you think about the traffic YouTube gets, it's easy to figure out how many other people will never know these videos are there.
    Yes we can kiss and make up but don't expect me to take my emotions off my selves. Veterans dying by suicide, marriages falling apart, I take very seriously.

  5. I think your article its very important and interesting,good work,Thank you for sharing such kind of information.Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!


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