
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

IED threat known before troops sent to Iraq

4,209 US men and women in the military have died in Iraq this far. Not counting contractors and not counting the PTSD wounded that returned and committed suicide. Not counting the numbers that crashed their cars into poles, freak out on motorcycles or died of drug overdoses. Hundreds of thousands wounded by PTSD, over 6,000 a year committed suicide, another 10,000 a year tried to and then you need to add in the veterans wounded by PTSD and TBI. These IED attacks have not only escalated the number of dead, amputations and other wounds, they also escalated the numbers having to live with the wounds no one else can see. Now the report finally comes out they knew what was going to be the biggest killer in Iraq. But wait, there's more they knew about.

If you ever read about the history of Iraq, especially the Gulf war, then you'd know what I am about to write is the truth no one else seems to want to talk about. I've been posting on this since I started my other blog in 2005 and even before that on AOL message boards. The truth is, they knew exactly what would happen since before 9-11. They knew it because all the people involved in pushing and planning the invasion of Iraq, were involved with the Gulf War. All of their thoughts after the Gulf war are preserved on tape from interviews and speeches they gave defending the decision to not take Iraq after the Iraqi military was removed from Kuwait.

Everything that happened in Iraq was all laid out but reporters never seem to want to bother to look up in their own achieves.

With all of that, all this information, you need to ask yourself what kind of people would send men and women into combat without everything they needed to be as safe as possible and who in their right mind would not have everything needed to take care of the wounded when they did their duty? This is the part that infuriates me more than anything else. No one thought about them.

Report: IED Threat Known Before War
New Pentagon Report Reveals Military Leaders Knew About IED Dangers Prior to War

Dec. 9, 2008

WASHINGTON — Military leaders knew the dangers posed by roadside bombs before the start of the Iraq war but did little to develop vehicles that were known to better protect forces from what proved to be the conflict's deadliest weapon, a report by the Pentagon inspector general says.

The Pentagon "was aware of the threat posed by mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) … and of the availability of mine resistant vehicles years before insurgent actions began in Iraq in 2003," says the 72-page report, which was reviewed by USA TODAY.

The report is to be made public today.

Marine Corps leaders "stopped processing" an urgent request in February 2005 for Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles from combat commanders in Iraq's Anbar province after declaring that a more heavily armored version of existing Humvee vehicles was the "best available" option for protecting troops, the report says.
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