QUANTICO, VA - AUGUST 05: A job seeker in Marine Corps uniform visits the counter of the Veterans Affairs Department during a job fair August 5, 2008 at the Marine Corps base in Quantico, Virginia. The Wounded Warrior Regiment hosted a job fair for wounded warriors and the public with about 60 companies participating.
Does the VA ever think before they do something stupid?
Chaplain Kathie
I was looking for a pictures of a new video and came across this. I had to look twice because I was sure I was not seeing what I thought I saw. Then, sure enough, it was as bad as I thought.
How could they put a poster up like this? Be A Hero Again? When did the men and women serving in the military ever stop being just that? What, suddenly they are veterans and they are no longer heroes? Is this really the way they want the veterans too think they feel about them?
This was a really dumb thing to do.
One of the videos I did is Hero After War, because the world according to most of us knows they were born heroes, born with that little extra something inside of them that makes them so unselfish they are able to give up everything, including their lives if need be, to serve this country. No matter what they did in their lives, they would have been of service to the greater good. Too many of them feel as if they are no longer appreciated, especially when they have to fight the VA to have claims approved, wounds treated and compensated for lost incomes. Too many of them feel as if they were betrayed, treated like they deserve nothing even though they did everything this nation asked them to do.
Most of the PTSD veterans only sought help when their lives were no longer in danger and they were back home. How is that anything other than a hero? For Heaven's sake! We give medals when soldiers keep fighting with a bullet in them but if they serve with PTSD in them, we just ignore it.
They come home after hearing "support the troops" but never hear "support the veterans" and then the VA has the nerve to hang a sign like this to get them to work for them? Until the VA stops treating them as anything other than heroes, they will never, ever get any of this right. Maybe that's been the problem all along. It's time the VA decided to be a hero to the heroes needing to be taken care of.
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