Dear NamGuardianAngel,
Video Disabled
A copyright owner has claimed it owns some or all of the audio content in your video When War Comes Home Part Two. The audio content identified in your video is Yesterday's Rain by Toby Keith. We regret to inform you that your video has been blocked from playback due to a music rights issue.
To think that when this nation faces losing more of our men and women serving this country after they come home than we do while they are deployed because of PTSD, and this man finds it necessary to have this video blocked from reaching them! What an outrage!
National Guards and Reservists are presenting with higher rates of PTSD, families are falling apart and suffering because they don't know what PTSD. They lack the proper support, educational outreach and hope more than the regular military does, and their numbers are skyrocketing as well.
I actually buy the music I use for these videos, spend countless hours looking for the right songs to reach as many different people as possible knowing everyone's taste in music is different. It takes days on end of hard work to put these videos together for the sake of all who serve and our veterans. Now I have to turn around and find someone else's music to use!
Now I get to go to the music store again, spend hours searching for a song that will mean as much, spend money I don't have buying another CD when I don't make any money off what I do. He makes a bundle. I wonder if he would work 16 hours a day for free out of love while worrying about bills I can't pay because the troops, the National Guards and Reservists, their families and our veterans need as much help as they can get?
I do all of this because I remember what it was like with my Vietnam Veteran husband were going thru all of this with absolutely no support at all, feeling alone and lost. I don't want any other family or veteran to have to go thru any of this the way we did but I guess Toby Keith just doesn't get it. No wonder Country Music Awards passed him by! He sure has the talent but I wonder if he has the heart after something like this.
The PTSD videos I do are non-political because PTSD doesn't care if you are a Democrat or a Republican. It only cares you are a human exposed to trauma. I don't know what Toby Keith's problem is when it comes to using his music on a video like this or the label that produces his CD, but I think it's pretty disgraceful that a video like this would cause them to object. You'd think they would take it as a compliment that the words in the song meant so much out of thousands that it would be selected for a video for the sake of those who serve.
To those who loved this video, I'm sorry you can no longer pass it on. I'll rework it with someone else's music and will never again use Toby Keith for any video I create. I really hope if you buy his music you consider what just happened and think twice about spending any money on his music when he just killed a PTSD video that was helping thousands of families who serve this country and need our real support.
Senior Chaplain Kathie Costos
"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of early wars were treated and appreciated by our nation." - George Washington
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