
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pastor Mark Holick "Thou shall not bear false witness"

When a pastor bears false witness, it is a sin! How can anyone believe what you say?

When I was getting gas this morning, I had a wonderful conversation with a woman down from Georgia about President Elect Obama. She saw the stickers on the back of my car and I told her I was a Chaplain. This is a kind, Christian woman, said she was praying for Obama because above all, "he's a Muslim" and she wanted to pray for what he has ahead of him. I told her to rest her heart because he is not a Muslim, not that it would make him a bad person or incapable of being President, but simply because it was a lie she heard, apparently from too many.

I told her to listen to the words he uses and then look at his life, what he's done with his life because Christ Himself told us that "then ye shall know them by the fruits of their deeds" and what Obama has done, is a wondrous thing. Instead of going after the riches of this world, he made the choice to work in Chicago with the people who needed him. This is just a part of what he's done.

He is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was president of the Harvard Law Review. Obama worked as a community organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He also taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Following an unsuccessful bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000, he announced his campaign for the U.S. Senate in January 2003, won a primary victory in March 2004, and was elected to the Senate in November 2004. Obama delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004.

Or is it you have a problem with the kind of Christian he is?

United Church of Christ

The United Church of Christ (UCC) is a mainline Protestant Christian denomination principally in the United States, generally considered within the Reformed tradition. The UCC formed in 1957 with the union of the Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Congregational Christian Churches. These churches in turn arose from the merger of various Protestant churches in the United States, tracing their roots back to Switzerland, John Calvin, and the Protestant Reformation.

According to the 2007 yearbook, the United Church of Christ has approximately 1.2 million members and is composed of approximately 5,518 local congregations.

The UCC maintains full communion with several other mainline Protestant denominations and participates in worldwide ecumenical efforts. The UCC has historically favored progressive, or liberal, views on gay rights, women's rights, and other issues. Congregations have extensive, perhaps definitive, authority over matters of doctrine and ministry, though, and may or may not support the national body's theological or moral stances.

I brought up how there was a problem with Rev. Wright and one of his sermons. Then I asked her how a Muslim would attend a Christian church all those years, get married in that church and have his children raised in that church. Her eyes opened.

The woman also told me about the wisdom of her own son when he said that it was the character of a person that should matter. After a longer conversation, she was no longer torn and more hopeful. I have a feeling she's quite angry with the people who told her Obama was a Muslim because they lied to her.

So how is it pastor that your eyes remain closed? Is there no truth in you? Are you one of the false teachers Christ warned about? I wonder how many will sit in your service, looking at you with doubtful eyes every time you utter a single word looking for signs you are continuing to lie to them if you told this lie so easily. After all Pastor, if you lie about something this big are you also lying about the faith you have in Christ? Do you do the work of Christ or do you just talk about it? How can you stand there and preach the word of the Lord when He has not been allowed to enter into your own heart? Who is it that you are really working for? Is it the Lord Jesus or is it the dollars you collect for selling out Jesus? You are leading His flock astray and will not forget what you have done until and unless you repent!

Church sign: Obama election 'is sin against the Lord'
Published: Monday November 17, 2008

CNN's Rick Sanchez reported on a church marquee that reads "America we have a Muslim president. This is a sin against the Lord." Mark Holick is pastor of The Spirit One Christian Center in Wichita, Kansas where the sign is being displayed.

Holick told KSNW, "The main point of the marquee is to cause the Christians to understand he is not a Christian, Again, they will call me and they will tell me that he's not a Muslim because he is a Christian. That's not the point. The point is he's not a Christian."

Sanchez talked to Wayne Slater who is the Sr. political write for the Dallas Morning News. "It's absolutely not true. He was born in the United States. Barack Obama. He is not a Muslim. Yet, there are people who hold on to this and part of this, i think, is an intent to believe what people want to believe about their environment because their environment is changing," said Slater.

This video is from CNN's Newsroom, broadcast Nov. 17, 2008.

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