
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Lieberman calls McCain "Independent" over and over again?

McCain rally in Peterborough NH is on CNN. Liebermann just introduced McCain and said McCain was a "true Independent" over and over and over again. When did McCain switch parties? Why is it in the last few months McCain is suddenly ashamed of being a Republican when he supported the party with all his heart and soul all the other years before? Shocking! Wonder if Cheney wants to take his endorsement back? No I don't think so because Cheney knows, Halliburton wins if McCain wins. All the defense contactors win if McCain does, but the troops, the people they send to war don't have the same kind of support and neither do the veterans. One more thing that is standing out is the faces in the small crowd. McCain talks about brining people together but the lack of diversity at his rallies show he can't even get a diverse group together at a rally so it's very unlikely he can get anyone together on anything.

He talked about Stevens being convicted but didn't mention his name or the fact he's the Senator from Alaska and a Palin pal. He attacked Congress, as usual, as if he had no part in any of it.

He talked about regulatory bodies, even though he's been against all of them, yet again, acting as if he had nothing to do with it.

McCain stumbled over every sentence he had to say, stuttering and trying to figure out what that next word was supposed to be.

He talked about Reagan working with Tip O'Neil to fix social security, then he said it was his record? Ok, so how did that work out to be his record?

"We cannot raise anyone's taxes in a bad economy" but he doesn't say a single word about how he is supposed to pay for anything that has to be fixed or to pay for what they blew or to help out the middle class that has been suffering all these years.

"I've always put my country first" but he picked Palin without thinking about what the country deserved. He only thought about himself.

Q & A

Honest elections question from woman

"Concerned by reports from the media" he then brought up Acorn and Mickey Mouse, even though none of the fake applications will bring in any votes. Said FBI is conducting and investigation.

Economic crisis question by man on stock market loss and taxes

"I don't think there's any doubt there's affects in decreased revenue." He then said he wants to "scrub" every agency.
"7 years 40% increase in the size of government." Which he voted for every single one of them.

Illegal immigration question from woman

"Immigration is a federal responsibility" temporary worker program, drug cartels just as dangerous as illegal immigration. "These are God's children and need to be handled in a humane way."

Man was talking about "One" volunteers and Bono. Crowd did not look to impressed.

Man said McCain took unfiltered questions unlike another candidate and McCain let him get away with that even though Obama takes all questions. Ask "Joe the Plumber"

Energy question. He talked about coal and nuclear power. He didn't say anything about "drill baby drill."

Tax credit question for green businesses.

"Federal buildings need to be energy efficient." Tax credits for businesses.

"50% tax increase on small businesses will be done by my opponent."

College student question on student loans.

"Give break on paying back loans" Didn't McCain vote against grants for student loans?

Education question was asked McCain said No Child Left Behind was not funded, then switched the question over to autism and brought up Palin saying she would take that over.

All in all, not great for the GOP when suddenly McCain wants to avoid being linked to any of them.

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