
Monday, November 3, 2008

How can some McCain supporters be so lazy?

This video was taken in Ohio. It really shocked me to hear some of the things people were saying. One woman said that Obama wanted to change the words to the Star Spangled Banner and the flag. One after another they all sound so stupid with the things they are saying. What shocked me the most is these are not dumb people. If they are not stupid then they have to be lazy. What else could explain coming out with some of the things they say in this video?

"Life has to be respected at all stages" "Freedom comes at a cost" "If Obama is elected it will show the world America doesn't respect life or the truth" but this woman has just lied because she repeated lies.

The internet is available to all and if they wanted to know if they were being lied to by the McCain campaign and GOP hacks, all they had to do was invest some time and look it up to see what was real or not. One woman said she got an email from Meet The Press claiming Obama
"wants to change the national anthem and the American flag. All this woman had to do was see if it really did come from Meet The Press or at least pay attention.

A guy with no teeth was complaining about people need to work if they want to eat because he works hard. Stranger than strange. Another complained about redistributing the wealth because she works hard. So did a lot of people who lost their jobs, ran out of unemployment and need help but she shouldn't care about any of us because she has a job.

If they want to talk about healthcare then they need to talk to someone who had to file for bankruptcy because of medical bills even though they did the right thing, had insurance that wouldn't cover the bills. They need to actually listen to Obama talking about his Mother dying of cancer and fighting with an insurance company that wouldn't pay, or the millions of other stories across this country from people who did the right things, worked hard, took care of their families and need, just for once, some Republican to decide that the American people do matter after all. We need a member of the "Right wing defenders of Christianity" to finally acknowledge what Christ said and did not say and then finally figure out what the founding fathers had to say about what kind of nation this was supposed to be.

All the nonsense that came out of the people being interviewed on this video should bow their head in shame and then beg to be forgiven for lying about things they had the opportunity to find out what was true and what were lies. These people are un-Godly and not even close to being what Christ said a Christian should be. They have replaced God with greed and selfishness. No wonder they are so angry. They would rather hate than pay attention. Can the really be that attached to the Republican label? If they haven't figured out what their party did to this country, they really need to stop being so blind and invest some time in learning. They really sound possessed. It's not as if they say they like McCain or even try to defend what McCain has done, but they just repeated lies about Obama. What else can we expect from people with no problem at all in their mind about what kind of president McCain would be or Sarah Palin!

As an Obama Victory Seems Increasingly Likely, Conservatives Are Getting Panicky and Unhinged

By Harry Hanbury and Patricia Foulkrod, American News Project. Posted November 3, 2008.

A snapshot of the freaked-out views and conspiracy theory fears of supporters at a John McCain rally in Columbus, Ohio.

At a recent rally for John McCain in Columbus, Ohio, ANP asked McCain supporters a simple question: If Barack Obama is elected president, what will it say about America? One woman, who claims that Obama wants to change the flag and the national anthem, demonstrates the lasting power of a debunked anti-Obama chain e-mail.
click post title for the video

When I went to Ohio, I'm glad I didn't meet people like this there. I would have flown back home right away~!

I think I just found my answer in this. They are like the Know-nothing Party!

Thanks to Sarah Palin, We Get to See the Cruelness of the GOP as It Really Is

By Larry Beinhart, AlterNet. Posted November 3, 2008.

Palin has helped reveal to the public pit-bull snarl that rouses GOP supporters to cry out, "Traitor!" against Obama, and "Kill him!"

It was Jesus Christ, if Matthew is to be believed, who said, "Love thine enemy." It is in that spirit that I write this belated valentine to Sarah Palin.

Sarah, I love you for having revealed unto the media the snarling heart of the beast that is the base (and the soul) of the Republican Party. Yes, you have the lipstick and the heels, not to mention the calves and bosoms, that send Republican men into swoons, but you have more; the pit-bull snarl that rouses your supporters to cry out, "Traitor!" against Obama, and "Kill him!"

George Bush kept those folks in their kennels, ran as a "compassionate conservative," and always masked his most heinous plans in double speak. Bush the Elder, Ronald Reagan, and even Richard Nixon never explicitly ran on hate and fear of "the other." They used words that were coded enough that it was possible to pretend that they were true.

But now the beast is loose.

The Republican Party likes to remember Abraham Lincoln. And so they should. It's a nice memory and brings credit to them. As does the accidental ascension of Teddy Roosevelt, environmentalist and basher of corporations. Back in the 1950s and '60s, their party included such figures as Dwight Eisenhower -- whose reputation grows ever better in retrospect -- Nelson Rockefeller, who built New York's state university system, and New York City mayor John Lindsey.

But there is another strand that runs through their history.

Back in the 1840s, there was a group called the Know Nothings. They were against immigrants and for real Americans. ("Real American" did not then, as it does not now, refer to Indians; it refers to descendants of English immigrants.) The movement was based on fear. Irish and German Catholics were going to take over. They would take orders from the Pope-in-Rome (one word). Their values were not "our values." They drank. Their nunneries were virtual brothels and when the nuns had babies they practiced infanticide.
go here for more

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