
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sorry Sarah Palin, real America noticed

Real America, pro-America, in case Palin forgot, are the cities and towns all across this country and the over 300 million people who live in them. They are the men and women who get up everyday, go to work, when they still have jobs, worry about their families and do the best they can everyday. They are the men and women who come from every part of this nation, again in big cities and tiny towns, who serve in the military, the veterans who have served along with the families of all of them. They are the men and women who serve in the police and fire departments, the first responders, EMT's and National Guards along with the Reservists. They are the doctors and the nurses, teachers, you name it. They all make us "Real America" but Palin wouldn't notice that. She thinks they are just the people who support McCain and her, the rest of us, well it all goes along with the same kind of talk that called people like me "unpatriotic" when we wanted accountability from the Bush administration, wanted him to answer to us and when what he did was no longer supported by the American people, we expected him to be held responsible for the way things turned out. We were called all kinds of names from people like Palin.

None of what we did as Americans mattered to people like her. Why should we? Why would we matter to someone so isolated that she thinks "Joe six pack" represents us?

Americans are tired of feeling as if they don't matter or they matter less because they have different ideas. They are tired of feeling as if their faith is of lesser value if they worship in a different place than those who hold the power. They are tired of hearing how someone who is Muslim should be ashamed just as they are tired of hearing that any other faith other than people like Palin is something to be ashamed of. Sorry but, I don't believe in the way Palin believes that in her faith the woman needs to submit to her husband and that witches should still be hunted out of town. I don't believe that women who are raped should have to suffer even more by being forced to pay for the rape kits to find out who raped them or to be forced to deliver a child if the rape caused pregnancy or if a father rapes a daughter. Alaska is the highest state for rape and is also right up there on drugs but Palin wants everyone to think that she did such a fine job as Mayor and then Governor that it's like a Norman Rockwell world of perfection.

Palin's values are not what "real Americans" value because we all hold our own values, morals and ideas. It's too late to take back what she said. She can apologize for saying it but she can't say that she didn't mean it. She said it too many times to pass it off as a slip of the tongue.
October 21, 2008
Palin apologizes for patriot 'pro-America areas' comment
Posted: 04:31 PM ET

(CNN) – Republican vice presidential nominee Gov. Sarah Palin apologized Tuesday for any misunderstanding that resulted when she referred last week to the patriotic values of "the real America" and the "pro-America areas of this great nation."

Democrats and others immediately criticized Palin, alleging she was saying that some part of the country are more patriotic than others.

Palin denied that was her intention in an interview with CNN on Tuesday.

"I don't want that misunderstood," Palin said. "If that's the way it came across, I apologize."

Speaking at a fund-raiser in North Carolina, the Alaska governor said: "We believe that the best of America is in these small towns that we get to visit, and in these wonderful little pockets of what I call the real America, being here with all of you hard-working, very patriotic, um, very, um, pro-America areas of this great nation."
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