Last night, VCS released our latest VA Fact Sheet. VA now reports that
there are more than 300,000 new disability claims among Iraq and
Afghanistan war veterans. Last month, VA reported nearly 350,000
unexpected veteran patients from the two wars.
The Army Times wrote an excellent article about the enormous and
disturbing discrepancies in disability activity among Iraq and
Afghanistan war veterans when comparing veterans from the National Guard
and Reserve with veterans from Active Duty:
Due to a large number of requests from Congressional staff, we are
attaching the superb and informative graphics published by the Army
There are two new and important points from our latest VA Fact Sheet:
1. More than 50,000 Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans' claims remain
pending and incomplete due to VA's enormous claims backlog.
2. Only half of the veterans diagnosed with PTSD by VA receive
disability compensation for PTSD from VA.
Thank you for your continued interest in the consequences of the Iraq
and Afghanistan wars.
Best, Paul.
Paul Sullivan
Executive Director
Veterans for Common Sense
Post Office Box 15514
Washington, DC 20003
(202) 558-4553

Sep 30, VCS in the News: National Guard and Reservists’ Disability Claims from Iraq and Afghanistan Wars More Likely to be Denied by VA
Rick Maze
Army Times
Sep 29, 2008
October 8, 2008 edition - National Guard and reserve members are more likely than active-duty Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans to have disability claims denied and more likely to receive the lowest possible disability ratings — even though they are only half as likely to file claims in the first place.
An analysis of benefits claims prepared by Veterans for Common Sense, based on data obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, shows Guard and reserve members who served in Iraq or Afghanistan are twice as likely to have a veterans’ disability claim denied as other veterans of the same operations.
The higher rate of denials and low ratings among reservists do not appear to be the result of filing frivolous claims. Forty-five percent of active-duty veterans of the two ongoing operations filed disability claims, compared with 23 percent of Guard and reserve members who deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan, said Paul Sullivan, executive director of the nonprofit veterans’ group.
Sullivan said he is unsure what has caused “such an enormous discrepancy” but thinks Congress and veterans deserve an answer. “With 300,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans filing a claim [with the Veterans Affairs Department] so far, we owe it to our veterans to make sure their claims are adjudicated completely, accurately, quickly and fairly,” Sullivan said.
click above link for more
This is what we should have heard last night in the VP debate since both Palin and Biden have sons in the Guards. You would think it would be an important issue to both of them enough to have been mentioned.
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