
Thursday, October 30, 2008

John McCain, Where is the evidence?

Dear Senator McCain and Gov. Palin,
Both of you have made a lot of claims while you are trying to get people to support you. While both of you claim to be Christian, how is it neither of you have remembered this commandment?

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

Yet this both of you have done against Senator Obama. You say he "pals around with terrorists" but if that was the truth, he would be in jail since it is illegal to be a "terrorists" and there are many held in prison who have been accused of being terrorists without anyone ever putting them on trial and proving the case against them. Where is the evidence that Senator Obama has ever had more than a casual relationship with someone who has turned his life around and is respected in Chicago? Redemption is also in the Bible in case you have forgotten that as well.

Both of you have allowed your supporters to make false claims against Senator Obama saying that he is a "Muslim" even though he is a Christian but in the next breath you attack the pastor from his church, which is a Christian Church. Not that a Muslim would not be able to be President of this nation because there is no "faith" clause in the Constitution nor is there any law in this nation preventing anyone of any faith from obtaining office.

Senator McCain, you claim you know how to fix the economy, yet provide no evidence while millions of Americans are suffering.

You claim you know how to capture Osama yet provide no evidence and have not shared your plan to capture him 7 years after he attacked and thousands of soldier have died trying. There are more who are still dying today.

Now you are trying to make something out of a dinner that Obama attended for the same man you thought was worth receiving money?

Khalidi is a professor of Middle East Studies at Columbia University and a longtime friend of Obama's. Khalidi has publicly criticized Israel, but he and Obama have both said they hold very different opinions on Israeli issues.
McCain also has ties to Khalidi through a group Khalidi helped found 15 years ago. The Center for Palestine Research and Studies received at least $448,000 from an organization McCain chairs.

This is something that not many Americans would have known about you, but while trying to say that Obama again has done something he has not done, you raised the issue against yourself.

You claim to support veterans but your votes have been against veterans. Again, where is the evidence? kc

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