
Monday, October 6, 2008

Americans want to know about McCain's mental health

This was posted on CNN IReport with a video. The topic of McCain and PTSD are all over the net and is a question that has to be answered. Statistically people who have been tortured have PTSD. The question is, how badly was McCain affected by his years as a POW and how has he been treated? Is he still in treatment? Is he on medications and is he being monitored? Normally this topic should be personal and talked about only if he wants to but McCain wants to be the president of this nation and with all seriousness, these questions need to be answered for us to know if he is even capable of making rational decisions, controlling outburst of anger, dealing with short term memory loss and flashbacks.
A outburst of anger?}

P.T.S.D. is no joking matter.This is an illness that is profound and and can be lifelong. usually requiring medications to keep under control!

ARE THE PEOPLES nominated for Leadership of this Nation required to disclose any Prescription MEDICATIONS or other medications They are taking?


I believe we all know drugs can alter mood anxiety,,,and if not taken can, CAUSE very unpleasant episodes. I would not want anyone in this position to have rely on these types of medications for optimal performance, because without them they become less efficient and think in a different manner!

My reason! I know that all medications can stop working for any number of reasons and before a replacement can be found the person in question may not be in there right mind as we know it!

Senator McCain, I feel does his best to keep it under control, It is also my understanding he has released Medical information which is required for a Presidential nominee. His Psychiatric History is also required which I feel is justifiable as a Psych nurse. The way he clenched hid jaw so often when debating Obama, his inability to look at him with respect in his face I feel has a deeper significance then just trying to win. I feel that was the only way he could maintain control of his emotions.

PSTD manifests itself in many ways, uncontrollable anger and many other ways and has many different features
More info on PSTD, best source I am aware of: (the DSM VI American VERSION)

In addition to all of this there's his nasty sense of humor aimed as
hurtful humor that jokes of rape, bigotry or prejudice or the fact that
that McCain twice attempted suicide as he reported to his doctors in
his recently disclosed medical reports. All of this really begs more
questions about whether McCain is really mentally fit and rational
enough to be president. This is a difficult question that voters need
to seriously answer and the McCain Campaign should be more forthcoming
with any mental health records as this information is just as important
if not more so, than the health records they have so far released.

The U.S. needs a president who seriously weighs when to actually use military power only when necessary and not one who sings a song parody of a Beach Boys song, "Bomb, Bomb Iran" when asked a question about the Iranian nuclear program. The U.S. has the most powerful military and nuclear arsenal in the world.

Voters need to be darn sure that the person with their finger on the "red" button has good mental health and anger management. how DO WE KNOW HE WON'T HAVE A POST TRAUMATIC EVENT AT THIS VERY MOMENT IN TIME! a FLASHBACK TO THE ATROCITIES HE LIVED THROUGH?
go here for more


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