Sunday, September 14, 2008

`Sex ed' ad educates us on the character of John McCain

My point is a simple one. This bill, which Obama supported but did not write, is about teaching children to beware of people who may hurt them, like pedophiles they may tend to trust. You don't need to search your memory much further than the scandal that rocked the Catholic Church when priests were simply transferred instead of put into jail. These men were trusted by families and kids. The kids thought it was wrong but no one told them that it was not ok for a person to ever touch them the way these kids were being touched especially by someone in the position of being a "man of God" instead of a criminal. No one every thought to warn kids back then but now we know better. They have to be warned in a way many parents are not sure how to even begin the subject with innocent young children who should never have to worry about something like this. The problem is, they need to be warned so they will have some way of knowing what to do about it. That is what this bill was all about but McCain, well he decided that he could use it as an attack against Obama instead of an important bill to support to protect children from being sexually assaulted. What the hell is wrong with this man? kc

Originally posted: September 12, 2008

`Sex ed' ad educates us on the character of John McCain
It wasn't too surprising that a notably vile and false attack ad would pop up in this presidential campaign. After all, partisan passions are high and independent advocacy groups have never shown much restraint when it comes to slimecasting.

So the brazen inaccuracies in this ad that cropped up last week --

Script: Obama's one accomplishment? Legislation to teach comprehensive sex education' to kindergartners. Learning about sex before learning to read? Barack Obama: Wrong on education. Wrong for your family.

-- didn't catch me up short. Nor did the use, at the end, of a very unflattering images of Obama, his collar wrinkled, smirking and looking down, as though at a child. Typical unhinged sleaze.

The surprise came at the end: :

I'm John McCain and I approved this message.

With that infamous admission, McCain surrendered his integrity and signaled a willingness to say or do anything to get elected.

The claims in the ad are false -- Illinois Senate Bill 99 (or see below for the text) was not Obama's bill, was not an "accomplishment" since it died in committee, and was not a call for "comprehensive" sex education in kindergarten. But because these claims involve the explosive topic of children and sex, they rise to the level of scurrilous insinuations

McCain's ad heavily implies that the purpose of the 2003 bill -- actually a proposed amendment to the Illinois School Code -- was to rob children in the early grades of their innocence by exposing them to graphic sexual instruction, when, in fact, the purpose was to protect children from exploitation and disease.

In six places, SB 99 stressed that all sexual education instruction be age and developmentally appropriate; in three places it underscored that parents could opt out of any such instruction.

Carpetbagging firebrand Alan Keyes tried attacking Obama on this same point during the 2004 U.S. Senate campaign. But we expect such repellent attacks from Keyes.

We used to expect better from John McCain. No longer.
go here for more

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