
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Senator Obama in Daytona Beach today

Obama To Rally In Daytona Beach
This is from 13 News, Women for the Change We Need event.

Senator Obama hit all the right marks and addressed the fact that McCain is blaming him for the mess in the economy, especially when it came to what has been happening on Wall Street with the stock market and reminding people that had McCain been able to privatize social security, there wouldn't be much security for the seniors in Florida today.

Obama also addressed the commercial saying that Obama is tied to people from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, (even though he isn't and the person McCain tried to tie him to denied it) topped off with the fact that it's really McCain who is tied to them.

Obama talked about how he cares about medical coverage because it's personal to him. He talked about how his mother died of ovarian cancer and had to fight her final days with her health insurance as well as fight for her life.

For the over 30 minutes Obama talked, there was not one thing he said that was false, misleading or a lie and he even held back from calling what McCain has been saying "lies" when he should have. It was a great speech and he has the record to back up what he said. It was a great speech and addressed the issues of the Women For the Change We Need group. That's the point of this post.

Every speech McCain makes, no matter who the crowd is supposed to be representing, he always talks about his "record" as a POW. He wants to paint the impression that since he's a veteran, he's earned their vote instead of their wrath for voting against them. Obama could have used his record on veteran's issues, but he didn't. He could have talked for hours about what he's been trying to do for veterans but he addressed the issues of the people who gathered for the event. That says a lot about how he can stay focused on the issues and does not just use people.

The equal pay issue is also important to Obama. He has two daughters to raise and worries about what kind of future they will have. Yet another issue McCain voted against.

Obama talked about what Biden has done in his time in the Senate and how he wrote the bill to protect women from violence, yet another issue McCain has voted against.

All in all the 2,000 people at the event seemed to give Obama high marks by their reaction to what they heard. That's because they have invested the time in finding out if he's telling the truth or not. kc


  1. Thank you so much for posting the realistic point of view. The McCain campaign has their heads in the sand, and it upsets me they are attacking Obama. Obama is doing such a good job, however, the current forces (ie: Karl Rove and his "friends" are at it again!!!)

    Hopefully, people will start seeing through the expensive dresses, false statements and just plain garbage from the McCain camp.

    I am sick of McCain using his "veteran status" when he has not supported the veterans. We have a grandson who served two tours in Iraq, coming home seriously injured close to the end of his second tour. To me he talks out of both sides of his, and says what he things is right at the moment. These type of people scare me to death

    Thanks Kathie.....

  2. Hi GrandmaB, we're all sick of what McCain tries to pull. He's had too many chances to fight for veterans instead of against them. It's time for people to hold him accountable along with the rest of them. He gets VA benefits on top of all of it yet doesn't seem to care that the other veterans were being turned away from the VA, forced to fight the government or that their families were suffering due to the lack of support they received. When all major veterans service organizations fail McCain on their issues, that is more telling than anything else. He should have been their champion as one of them instead of expecting their votes so he could betray them.

    How is your grandson doing?


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