Saturday, September 6, 2008

Obama says McCain-Palin "they must think you're stupid"

"I mean, come on, they must think you're stupid," Obama said as the crowd laughed and cheered.

Read more of this below

The problem is that is exactly the point. Some Americans have this notion in their head that if only they can make sure they get to keep the assault weapons they want, every problem in this country will just vanish. I have news for them. The founding fathers were talking about a gun they had to put a bullet into with gun powder and a shaft. Now, no one is talking about taking away a rifle for hunting or a hand gun for protection, but there are people in this country who haven't got the slightest interest in why on earth having an AK47 is a right that should be given to anyone.

Others, well they think that if they stop women from having abortions, God will shine His light on this nation and everything will be sunshine and lollypops. Others are positive that if they outlaw all gay people, that God will reward them. Well, I have some news for them. God handed down the Ten Commandments and if those things were all so important to Him, He would have included them in the list of "thou shall not" but He didn't. If God has infinite wisdom, which I happen to believe, then considering all of this was going on even back when Moses knelt before the burning bush, you should also understand that He would have added those things in but He must have figured that since He had in the one about adultery, it was covered.

They read it all wrong. The Ten Commandments are a love letter from God. The first parts are all about our relationship with Him and loving Him as Father and the rest are about loving each other and treating others the way we would want to be treated. Pretty much that was Christ's message as well. Christ also had a lot to say about taking care of the poor and needy too, but the above seem to forget about what Christ said as much as they forget about what the founding fathers said about keeping your faith to yourself as a personal choice and letting all others do the same. That's where the separation of church and state comes in. All faiths equal and protected equally under the law. Some however what to act as if they own the exclusive right to enjoy their chosen faith and obliterate all others. We're not talking about just Christians against all others, but Christians against other Christians. They also forget that within the Christian faith there are many different branches of it and none of them can agree on everything.

Then we have people in this country who complain about everything that is wrong but never pay attention to the people who have made it wrong or the others who are trying to fix what's wrong. They would rather watch America's Got Talent than watch the conventions or pick up a newspaper. As long as they can complain, they are just not interested enough into finding out why or what can be done.

Those are the people who McCain must think are stupid. They are not. They have the same ability the rest of us have but they just need their eyes opened. I've talked to a lot of these people. They are good people but have been told really stupid things. Most of the ones I've talked to have been treated as if they were stupid and I guess they got the message.

This country has serious problems the need to be fixed and too many of us are suffering. Again, let me remind you that I am unemployed as well and not even counted. I worked for a church and since they didn't pay into the system, there was no unemployment funds or counting for my job being gone. There are a lot of people who are not being counted because their benefits ran out and they dropped off the numbers but even at that, you have to look at each state for a real clear picture of what the economy is doing. The 6% figure is an average. Some states are a lot higher.

When you listen to McCain and Palin now, you don't hear much of that and as a matter of fact, McCain thought until recently, like last week, the economy was good. With over 7 houses, a rich wife, senate paycheck, VA benefits and I think he's getting social security too, he would think it's great. Voting for him means more damage to our jobs. Since he also listened to Graham who was behind the rule changes that let the mortgage companies do it to us, the foreclosure thing would only get worse.

The environment would suffer because Palin wants to drill just like McCain instead of finding some other way to fuel cars and heat homes. Plus Palin wants to let the Polar bears be shot at from low flying planes. There goes the all hard work most Americans have done on trying to take care of the environment and wildlife that God put all together for all mankind.

Well Senator Obama put it a lot better than I could so finish reading my rant now and move onto what he had to say.

Obama Rebukes Palin on Earmarks
posted: 14 MINUTES AGOcomments: 1123filed under: Election News, Barack Obama, Sarah TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (Sept. 6) - Barack Obama made his first direct criticism of Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin on Saturday, saying she pretends to oppose spending earmarks when she actually has embraced them.
Speaking to 800 people at the Wabash Valley Fairgrounds in Terre Haute, Ind., the Democratic presidential nominee ridiculed John McCain and his running mate, the Alaska governor, for describing themselves as agents of change at this week's GOP convention.

go here for more of this


  1. Happy someone is telling it like it is. Wish I could wear a dress costing $300,000 like Cindy McCain did. That money would certainly go a long way towards helping the homeless, mentally ill, people without insurance, etc..

  2. Thank you GrandmaB for this comment and the other one. The McCain ticket just told the whole country they won't matter to him either. Just as much as he uses veterans for their votes, he wants to use women for their's but we're a lot smarter than that. He forgot that women worry about taking care of their families and who will also worry about them. McCain, well, he had his chance and showed them he doesn't. Plus, he also managed to show that he doesn't have a clue what the veterans are going through either. The man is a mess!


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