
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Florida "surge" commercial is wrong

If you live in Central Florida, you must have seen the commercial with snipits of General Petraeus and Senator Obama. If you have been paying attention to the facts, you are fully aware of how wrong this commercial is. If you need more help in informing your friends who still think McCain is right on anything, point them to this report. McCain wanted more troops in Iraq and that was his answer for all of it. His "plans" did not include anything else. Politically things have not changed much in Iraq and there is still way too much violence there. While we pay for everything, including the possibility of having to protect Chinese workers because of the oil contract China signed with Al-Maliki, that requires Iraq to protect the workers, we are also still losing troops in Iraq. It would be great if McCain was at least honest with the fact he hasn't a clue about what he professes to know about this, he chooses to opt out of intelligence. Pretty much like the question he was asked about the head of Spain.

Thursday, September 18, 2008
John McCain just forget where Spain was. Seriously, not kidding.

UPDATE: I now have the English-language version of the interview. Listen to it here.
Bumped. This is a very important story.(UPDATE: I now have the Spanish version of the interview cropped to the 1 minute 37 seconds in question.
You can listen to it here, but it's in Spanish.)This isn't funny. It's actually quite serious. We may have the first evidence, on tape, that McCain's age, or illness, or both are catching up with him and he's losing his mental faculties.I just listened to an interview John McCain did with a Spanish journalist recently.
The interview is in English,
but there's a Spanish translator translating the tape into Spanish at the same time. So the English part is difficult to hear. I am however fluent in Spanish, and what Josh reports is exactly what the Spanish version shows.Namely, that John McCain didn't appear to know that Spain was in Europe, or that the leader of Spain was named Zapatero, even after he was told that Zapatero was the leader of Spain.When asked about Spain and Zapatero, by a Spanish reporter for a Spanish newspaper, McCain responded about Mexico and Latin America. A reader suggested something that Josh had already considered, that perhaps McCain thought the reporter was talking about the Zapatistas in Mexico, the guerilla group. But that's not possible as the reporter clearly said she was talking about Spain and Spain's leader, Zapatero. She told McCain this twice. Let me tell you exactly what she asked McCain (per the translation):
"Senator, finally, let's talk about Spain. If you're elected president, would you invite President Zapatero to meet with you in the White House?" McCain then gives this odd answer about America's friends and America's enemies. He also, oddly, talks about Mexico (why Mexico? The question was about Spain) and how he'd invite friendly leaders to the White House. She then asks him again, would that invitation include President Zapatero? He says again that he'd have to review relations first, blah blah. She then says again, "so you'd have to wait to see, so would you meet with him in the White House?" He again repeats his weird statement about friends and enemies. McCain also throws in, oddly, to the Spanish reporter, when she's asking him about meeting the Spanish president, a line about the importance of our relationship with Latin America (this is now the second time he answered a question about meeting the president of Spain with an answer about Latin America).
click above for more

McCain can say whatever he wants but it's up to us to find out if he's telling the truth about any of it. This country demands we find out who is telling us the truth and who is lying to us before we vote for any of them. It's time to take our vote that seriously or we're in for more of the same lack of accountability we've had all these years.
Vets for Freedom today released a new ad -- "Obama v. Petraeus", fourth in a series asking for political leadership to acknowledge the truth about the surge
Vets on the Hill I and II
On Tuesday, September 18, 2007 Vets for Freedom took part in a breakfast on the south lawn of the White House with President George W. Bush, the First Lady, Vice President Dick Cheney, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Following the program, over 250 members of the organization lobbied members of the U.S. House and Senate to "support Gen. Petraeus and the War in Iraq" and to ask them to denounce's attack on "General Betray-us." A 3 p.m. rally near the Capitol that day featured speeches from Senators John McCain, Joe Lieberman, Lindsey Graham, and John Cornyn. Remarks were also made by Rep. Roy Blunt.

One day later Senator Jim Webb's amendment to reduce troop rotation levels failed by four votes. The amendments was called a "slow bleed amendment" by critics. Vets for Freedom was strongly opposed to the legislation and lobbied aggresively for its defeat.

Vets for Freedom held a second Vets on the Hill in Washington D.C. on Tuesday, April 8, 2008. Over 450 Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans attended the program and met with senators and representatives from every state. Vets for Freedom claimed it was the largest gathering on Capitol Hill of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. A rally was held at 8:30am edt that featured speeches from Sen. John McCain, Sen. Joe Lieberman, and Rep. Jim Marshall. 27 media outlets covered the event which was held the same day as Gen. Petraeus' testimony before the Senate. Earlier in the day at a breakfast program Vets for Freedom members heard motivational speeches from retired Gen. Richard Myers, a former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, and current Georgetown men's basketball coach John Thompson III.

VFF has applied for status as a tax-exempt nonprofit, but as of June 2006 the application was not approved. Zirkle said that "Initial funding came from family members and friends."[29] It is now a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization.[32]

Vets for Freedom states on their homepage[33] "We depend on small donations from our thousands of supporters across America."

The National Journal has reported that casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, the third richest man in America, has made a significant donation to Vets For Freedom.[34]

Do they have a right to do what they do? Absolutely! They are veterans after all. They have the same right as anyone to use their money for good or not. They have the right to believe what they want. It's up to us to discover if they are right or wrong. Check out what other service organizations have to say who are tied to veterans only and not a political campaign or any political group. After all, veterans and the troops are just like the rest of us. They are Democrats and Republicans and Independents. They may all serve alike but they do not all think alike.

Report: Satellite images show ethnic cleansing source of reduced Iraq violence
Published: Friday September 19, 2008
A study of the Pentagon's satellite imagery concludes that ethnic cleansing -- not last year's surge of U.S. military forces -- is the main factor in the reduction of violence in Iraq.

The report's conclusion about the surge's ineffectiveness are supported by many Iraq experts and international organizations who credit a population shift with the decline of sectarian violence, especially in Baghdad, Reuters reported.

Conducted by the University of California, the study analyzed the use of nighttime light across Baghdad and how it changed before, during and after the surge. It's findings show only some neighborhoods have higher levels of output, suggesting the others had been ethnically cleansed before the surge.

"By the launch of the surge, many of the targets of conflict had either been killed or fled the country, and they turned off the lights when they left," geography professor John Agnew of the University of California Los Angeles, who led the study, said in a statement.
click post title for more

Now, McCain can try to suck the life out of our love for the troops and our deep sense of gratitude when it comes to them, but he does not value any of them or his votes would have proven it. He even voted against giving them the required rest between deployments! He voted against taking care of them when they were wounded as veterans. Enough is enough of the lies we've been expected to just believe. If we do not pay attention and invest our time in discovering who is telling the truth then we deserve what we get. Don't go to blogs to find out the truth. Search the news sites and find out. Don't settle for one news site either. Use several of them. You can let a blog awaken what issue is being discussed, but don't stop there. Go off and find out on your own what is real and what is just a bunch of nonsense.

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