
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wounded Times Blog is one year old today

For God and Country

Wounded Times blog is one year old today.

I've learned a lot since this first video.

Veterans and PTSD
6 min - Feb 25, 2006 -

Two and a half years later, these were added to the first one dealing with trauma.

Women At War08:02
From:NamGuardianAngelViews: 8,880

The Voice Women At War09:49
From:NamGuardianAngelViews: 729

Hero After War08:27
From:NamGuardianAngelViews: 3,138

Nam Nights Of PTSD Still08:33
From:NamGuardianAngelViews: 1,643

When War Comes Home Part One04:33
From:NamGuardianAngelViews: 213

When War Comes Home Part Two07:10
From:NamGuardianAngelViews: 1,075

A Homeless Veteran's Day04:00
From:NamGuardianAngelViews: 599

Wounded And Waiting Part One08:00
From:NamGuardianAngelViews: 624

Wounded And Waiting Part Two07:27
From:NamGuardianAngelViews: 224

Coming Out Of The Dark Of PTSD04:25
From:NamGuardianAngelViews: 635

PTSD After Trauma04:44
From:NamGuardianAngelViews: 764

Point Man Int. Ministries Is There04:41
From:NamGuardianAngelViews: 195

IFOC Chaplain Army Of Love07:14
From:NamGuardianAngelViews: 214

PTSD Not God's Judgment06:00
From:NamGuardianAngelViews: 1,069

These are also on Google video but the site no longer has any hit counts. These two videos are only on Google video because they are too long for YouTube.

Death Because They Served PTSD Suicides

Wounded Minds PTSD and Veterans

After posting since 2005 on what became Screaming In An Empty Room, I started this blog attempting to keep politics out of it. I do submit to temptation when it comes between the people who really do support the troops and the veterans and those who only claim they do. When I get too tempted, I have to slap my hand trying to click on the link to post it here instead of on the other blog. Considering this blog began to respond to requests from veterans and the troops who were tired of having to wade through posts that had political rants in it. They're tired of politics and I can't say that I blame them. They have a job to do and no matter what, no matter what they think about what's behind all of this, they still do their duty to the Constitution and for their country. My heart belongs to all of them as well as those who came before them.

In the over 15 years I've been doing this work online, starting and abandoning blogs and message boards, I lost count how many posts I've done. There are over 9,700 posts on the Screaming In An Empty Room blog. As I post this, this blog has received 43,500 hits, has 1,077 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder posts, 527 PTSD, 93 Post Combat Stress, 200 suicides, 22 attempted suicides. With at least 10 hours a day I've spent over 3,650 hours on this blog alone. Between reading reports and posting, what you see here is only part of what I've read. I have to decide what to post and avoid articles with no meat or have been done to death on other blogs. Occasionally I toss in some that I just find very interesting or funny but most of them deal with some type of trauma. I do put in a lot about police officers and firefighters as well the events they are involved in. We need to remember that their jobs put them into very traumatic situations as well.

These are the camps and forts that have been focused on.

Camp Algonquin (1)
Camp Anaconda (1)
Camp Bucca (2)
Camp Buehring (1)
Camp Casey (5)
Camp Cobra (1)
Camp Curtis Guild (1)
Camp Diamondback (1)
Camp Falluhah (1)
Camp Foster (1)
Camp Harper Iraq (2)
Camp Lejeune (12)
Camp Lemonier (1)
Camp Liberty (2)
Camp Mirage (1)
Camp Pendleton (20)
Camp Shelby (3)
Camp Speicher (1)
Camp Stryker (1)

Fort Belvoir (1)
Fort Benning (8)
Fort Bliss (19)
Fort Bragg (28)
Fort Campbell (15)
Fort Carson (31)
Fort Craig (1)
Fort Detrick (2)
Fort Devens (1)
Fort Dix (2)
Fort Douglas (1)
Fort Drum (25)
Fort Drum Blizzard (2)
Fort Harrison (1)
Fort Hood (27)
Fort Huachuca (2)
Fort Irwin (2)
Fort Jackson (2)
Fort Knox (11)
Fort Lauderdale (1)
Fort Lawn (1)
Fort Leonard Wood (4)
Fort Levenworth (4)
Fort Lewis (8)
Fort Logan (1)
Fort McCoy (1)
Fort McPherson (1)
Fort Meade (1)
Fort Polk (2)
Fort Riley (7)
Fort Sill (1)
Fort Stewart (8)
Fort Thomas (1)
Fort Wainwright (4)
Fort Wayne (1)

When I post about our veterans and troops, I say a prayer that one day we will put taking care of them at the front of the list when it comes to funding and planing on what our government spends. I pray God watch over them and their families. I pray the homeless are taken care of and I pray even more deeply that those wounded with PTSD are not only helped but finally healed.

Today I'm asking for your prayers for me. There is no price I can put on what I get back from the veterans and their families but this work has become expensive. When I lost my job the beginning of the year, I had a choice to make. I was torn between trying to find a full time job or doing this work. I knew I couldn't do both with the same level, so I decided to do this exclusively. I became a Chaplain, which in itself is expensive between traveling and training. Financially my family is suffering for my choice. I keep praying for the money to come to continue to do this without the extra stress of paying the bills there never seems to be enough for. I'm asking you to take a minute and pray that God grant me the financial support I need to keep doing this and that He continue to guide me in the work I do, especially creating the videos.

The only video I did not want to do was the one He was pulling me to do. It's the PTSD Not God's Judgment video. I fought against doing it. I finally gave in and did it. Since then I've discovered exactly why He wanted me to do it. It has been helping people I had no idea it would touch. Too many people, regular people like you and me, struggle with our connection to God. We think that when we suffer, it comes from God judging us and condemning us. This video shows, that is not the case. It's also one of the very few videos I will watch after they have been put together. I need to be reminded of His love as much as others do.

Thank you for your support of this site and the work I do. I hope during the next year to continue to provide all the information I can find about PTSD and links to very good work being done by reporters across the nation as well as the other nations. I pray that by the next anniversary of this blog, there will be more reports of treatments being discovered and less reports of suicides and attempted suicides. Too many have suffered needlessly.

Senior Chaplain Kathie Costos"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of early wars were treated and appreciated by our nation." - George Washington

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