McCain's heart belongs to Bush. Not us.

When McCain says the word "us" most of us think he's talking about us, the regular people. We think he's talking about the men and women who are in fact the backbone of this country. Everyday people who go to work, dealing with problems the majority of the citizens deal with. Yet, when you consider what he's really saying, what he's proven to really be interested in, the "us" is really the people like McCain and not like the rest of us.

Jim Webb is one of us and cared about us while McCain went against us.
McCain, well, he never had to worry about paying for college because he served and the tax payers took care of his bill. Not that he needed the funding but because he earned it. This is one thing he thought was too good for the men and women serving today when he tried to kill Jim Webb's GI bill. He fought against it saying "it's just too generous" and "will hurt retention" by "making it more attractive to leave the military" and then he flipped when the bill was passed saying he thought it wasn't generous enough. Yet if you raise the fact Obama and his wife spent years to finish paying off their student loans, McCain will say that "but I was a POW and spent five years getting an education at the hands of the Vietnamese."
McCain never had to worry about healthcare because yet again, the tax payers took care of his medical care, because he was a veteran and senator. He doesn't think the rest of the veterans in this country deserve the same care and has proven this by voting against the increase needed for the VA to be able to take care of the new veterans and especially the wounded. We've all read how bad it has been for them but McCain, well, they are just not in the same category he's in. If you say that Obama and his wife had to worry about it most of their lives, he'll yet again say, "but I was a POW and instead of having his health taken care of it was jeopardized at the hands of the Vietnamese."
McCain never had to worry about filling his gas tank to get to a job. As a matter of fact, he didn't even know what gas prices were. Speaking of jobs, he never had to stand in an unemployment line either. He's been on government payroll all his life never having held a regular job the rest of us do and the rest of the veterans have to deal with when they are done serving and have to deal with trying to find a job in the economy Bush/McCain policies created. As veterans come back dealing with trying to readjust, the VA has been unable to keep up with the demands of helping them. Then we have the citizen soldiers who are members of the National Guards and Reservists who have to leave their jobs over and over again, their families, their incomes only to return to find their jobs and businesses are no longer there and their homes have been foreclosed on. Yet again if you raise this with McCain he'll say "I was a POW and my job was staying alive" which he ended up doing what it took in order to survive. He's been doing that ever since. Stooping to any level in order to get elected.
While the rest of us are worrying about losing our homes, McCain can't remember how many he has. Again when this was raised McCain did in fact bring up the fact for five years he was living as a POW at the hands of the Vietnamese.
McCain has never been poor and never living off government payroll. When it comes to his term of "us" he means people in his class not the rest of us. When he refers to "us" as in veterans, he's talking about the ones who are not paying attention and not having to fight to survive for over thirty years trying to have their wounds taken care of and their bills paid when they lost the ability to pay them because they were wounded serving in Vietnam, in the Gulf War and in the two occupations going on right now.
McCain is not one of "us" he's proven he's one of them. The people responsible for the hardships we have to live with because he cared more about the "them" that did it all to us. kc
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