
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Arnold Crabtree serving in Afghanistan while FEMA took trailer away

He's serving in Afghanistan with a lot to worry about at the same time FEMA decided it was a good time to remove the trailer he had to live in. You remember those trailers! It means at the same time he was serving the country, the Federal Emergency Management Administration added more of a burden. Is this supporting the troops the way Bush keeps screaming about?

FEMA takes trailer while soldier is in Afghanistan

07:33 PM CDT on Monday, August 25, 2008

Scott Satchfield / Eyewitness News

A wind-shredded American flag still hangs on the front of a home on 4th Street in Chalmette -- one Arnold Crabtree has struggled to rebuild.

Crabtree was deployed for a year of duty in Afghanistan a couple months ago, but in the time since he's been gone, the soldier says FEMA came by and took the trailer he had been living in.

Friend and neighbor Kathy Hernandez says Crabtree was shocked when she delivered the news.

"Just freaked out...freaked out, worried," Hernandez said. "He had his sergeant contact FEMA to secure the trailer being there when he arrives home in a year, so you know, he thought he had taken care of everything he needed to before he left."

Hernandez, who has been looking after Crabtree's property since his deployment, says FEMA left his possessions outside the home, before taking the trailer.

Then, last week, St. Bernard Sheriff's officials confirmed Crabtree's damaged home was burglarized. Deputies arrested a married couple, Jason and Christy Cain in the crime.

The couple lives just around the corner.

Hernandez says the problems keep piling up and taking a toll on Crabtree.

"Well he's dealing with having to be over there, and you know, worrying about things over here," she said.
go here for more


  1. I want to let everyone know that Arnold Crabtree is a LIAR! He is scaming the goverment and not even in the ARMY (HE HAS A DISHONORABLE DISCHARGE) said he had cancer, sued everyone company he comes in contact with, better yet, the FEMA trailers were never in his NAME!!!! Don't believe a word he is saying, he never planned on doing anything do that house on 4th st. in chalmette. I am contacting the station who did the news report!! He has got to stop the nonesense. I hope no one plans to give him aid for that home. It is not finished because he is scum!!!! A liar!! Cheat!!! Scamer!! beware of Arnold Crabtree.


  2. Do you really think what you just wrote will be believed when you opted to post under "anonamyous?"

  3. The FEMA trailer was registered to the gentleman who previously owned the home. Please check out Crabtree's background - civil suits and criminal record - before encouraging anyone to donate their time or money to him.

  4. Arnold Crabtree is all of the negative things "Anonymous" said and more. There is an evil side to this man that has not been seen or spoken about by the news media or this chaplain person. He has done many unspeakable things in his past that he has kept camouflaged from others and is not the upstanding citizen that some may think he is. Please beware.


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