
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Users Rate Their Drug and Non-Drug Treatments for PTSD

While I do post up reports on medications and new treatments for PTSD, I tend to stay out of giving advice on them except to say that people need to be informed, talk to their doctors and just because one medication is not working, that does not mean none of them will work on you. Our body chemistry is as different as we are. What works for your friend, may not work for you, or you may need a combination of medications instead of just one. Always be honest with your doctor and if you are not feeling better on a new medication in a couple of days, call him. If you are feeling worse, call him as soon as possible but do not play doctor yourself and take yourself off the medication. Most of us tend to finally feel better and then think we are cured without understanding it's the medication that did it.

My Mother was always very healthy. When she turned 75, her age caught up with her and suddenly everything was wrong. For a woman who didn't even want to take Tylenol,, it was hard for her to understand she had to take medication for her heart. Years later, more medication was added to take care of additional problems she had. When I took her to the doctor's appointments, the doctor would tell her that she was stable and the next thing out of her mouth was "Well then I can stop taking the pills." She just didn't want to understand the medication was making her stable. One lesson in facing that you are on medication for a reason and it's why you are feeling better.

I am on a low dose medication for my blood pressure and for allergies. If I go off the allergy medication, I end up with a sinus infection. While I hate taking anything, I know I need to. The doctors had a hard time finding the right medication for my allergy and sinus problems. They switched the well known ones, finding out that they were not working for me or making me too sleepy. They ended up putting me on medications no one else I know ever heard of. One lesson in keep trying.

My friend Lily over at Healing Combat Trauma did a great job on medication today. Go here and take a look at the links she's provided.

July 21, 2008
There's a Revolution Going On: Users Rate Their Drug and Non-Drug Treatments for PTSD

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