
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

PBS Stations, Last Ghost of War waits

This is to alert you to a must-see program that will soon be made available for your viewing. On July 24th you'll be able to select from 40-50 clips of films being offered to PBS stations. I strongly urge you to view the 3:15 clip called "The Last Ghost of War", which will be available free to PBS stations in November. Please vote for it.

Please see the attachment above for a short synopsis of "The Last Ghost of War". To find out more about the film just visit, and/or contact Producer Janet Gardner at

(05/07/08. ) The spine-chilling documentary Bong Ma Cuoi Cung Cua Chien Tranh (The Last Ghost of War), about the corrosive effects of Agent Orange (the toxic defoliant used by the Americans during the war in Viet Nam), will be aired for the first time on Vietnamese television today.
The film, made possible by a grant from the US’s New Jersey Council for the Humanities, was produced by Pham Quoc Thai and Janet Gardner, directed by Janet Gardner and narrated by Kevin Cline, from the New York-based Gardner Documentary Group.
The 56-minute film starts at 2pm on VTV1.
The film focuses on the physical and spiritual plight of terminally ill Agent Orange (AO) patients at Tu Du Hospital in HCM City.
“Thirty years after the end of the Viet Nam War there are several million people diagnosed by the Vietnamese [health services] as victims of Agent Orange,” says the Gardner Documentary Group’s website
“In The Last Ghost of War we meet several people who are plaintiffs in a class action against 32 US chemical companies. Attorneys, activists, scientists, and a military historian take us to a new battlefield.

and on this subject

Chairman Bob Filner, House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
William G. Jeff Davis, Blue Water Veteran
Ron Abrams, Executive Director, National Veterans Legal Services Program
John Rowan, Vietnam Veterans of America

Introduction of the Agent Orange Equity Act, a bill to ensure that veterans receive their earned benefits

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at Noon
(Staging begins at 11:30 a.m. in Cannon Room 334)

Cannon House Office Building Terrace
The intersection of New Jersey and Independence Avenues, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20515

go here for more

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