
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Iraqi officials insist on withdrawal timetable

For years, Bush and his supporters said anyone talking about timetables was against the troops and supporting the "terrorists" but it looks as if they were all right and Bush, on the other hand, was wrong. If this means the troops can come home from Iraq, great. Let's hope the payouts for the militia hold on long enough to buy enough time for this to happen. It looks like it couldn't come at a better time considering what's happening in Afghanistan.

Iraqi officials insist on withdrawal timetable

By Sally Buzbee - The Associated Press
Posted : Tuesday Jul 8, 2008 10:55:25 EDT

BAGHDAD — Iraq’s national security adviser said Tuesday his country will not accept any security deal with the U.S. unless it contains specific dates for the withdrawal of U.S.-led forces.

The comments by Mouwaffak al-Rubaie were the strongest yet by an Iraqi official about the deal now under negotiation with U.S. officials. It came a day after Iraq’s prime minister first said publicly that he expects the pending troop deal with the U.S. to have some type of timetable for withdrawal.

President Bush has said he opposes a timetable.

Al-Rubaie spoke to reporters after briefing Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in Najaf on the progress of the government’s security efforts, and the talks.

“Our stance in the negotiations underway with the American side will be strong ... We will not accept any memorandum of understanding that doesn’t have specific dates to withdraw foreign forces from Iraq,” al-Rubaie said.
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  1. Okay, How about TOMORROW. Our troops are fightiong for their freedom, not ours. There is no FREE OIL in the deal. Lets get the hell out. Hope the Iraqis that want us to leave like their new, improved Iranian Rulers that will be there in about 30 days or less. Anyone give any thought to that???

  2. Actually yes they did. They did during the Gulf War. The did all through the 90's but all that was forgotten about when the media refused to look through their achieves at the statements made by all of them. It was when Cheney, who happened to be Secretary of Defense at the time, first coined his phrase "quagmire" while defending the decision to not go after Saddam back then. All you have to do is read their comments or watch some of the videos on CSPAN. They all knew what would happen all the way from the sectarian killings, to the long years of death and violence and yes, even the carnage against our troops. General "Stromin Norman" said the troops would be "like a dinosaur stuck in a tar pit" but all that was forgotten too. They also knew that it would open the door for Iran because the watchdog would be toothless. They knew it all but did it anyway. What is the most troubling is that no one considered the wounded the would be needing care for the rest of their lives. The VA had less doctors and nurses with two active occupations than they did after the Gulf War. While they said they "supported the troops" the fact remains, none of them really did.


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