
Monday, June 9, 2008

Pacific Light Healing DVD for PTSD

Genesis 1
The Beginning
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2 Now the earth was [a] formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters" was no mistake this was the beginning of the creation from God's hands. The ocean has called to humans since time began.

When I lived in Massachusetts, I spent a good portion of my life walking on the shore, sitting in the sand and staring at the waves. I knew the right time to go when the sound of the waves was all that could be heard. The enormity of the ocean, powerfully driven by an unseen hand and I a tiny creature sitting there wondering why on earth God would care about me. How small I was, how small my problems and heartache was compared to the rest of the world. Why would God care about me? How could He even see me?

How many times do we feel as if we are invisible to the rest of the world? If we are invisible to the rest of the world, then how can God see us in the world? He does. Our body is of this world, but our soul, our spirit, the powerful force in all of us driven by an unseen hand. It is His hand I run to. His spirit was there and He saw me. He saw my tears, felt my pain, knew my fears and left me with a sense of peace to cope with the storms raging in my life. He renewed me.

Watching this DVD of Pacific Light, Healing, I could almost smell the ocean coming off the causeway heading into Nahant Beach. That was my favorite place to go. Part of the information on this DVD states, "Replacing patient fear, anxiety and distress with God's peace." This is what it did for me.

Most of the nation does not have the ability to travel to the coastline. I can't imagine ever being far from it. I live in Florida now. This fantastic video brings the ocean to everyone, and God's spirit hovers over it. There is no more wondering why so many hospitals are using it for the healing capabilities it provides.

I was a bit skeptic when I heard of this DVD, but I figured knowing humans, it may work for some. The history of the relationship I had with the ocean was escaping me until I viewed it. I was transported back to the place where I found my spirit renewed.

It does not matter what faith you have, if you are religious or consider yourself spiritual instead. It does not matter because you will feel transformed even if it is for just moments in time. In those few moments, you will heal a little more than had you not watched this work. The music is soothing. I could picture an ancient Indian standing on a rock praising the Creator.

The music is by R. Carlos Nakai and the cinematography is by Thomas Day Oates Jr. Read more here. It truly is a blessing to troubled spirits and reminds them that God's spirit hovers above them.

Pacific Light for Individuals



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Pacific Light healing music video captures the spirit and majesty of the Pacific Ocean along the rugged California and Oregon coast. The cinematography of Thomas Day Oates Jr. blends with R. Carlos Nakai’s Grammy nominated CD, Inner Voices, (with orchestral arrangements by Grammy winner Billy Williams) to produce one of the most beautiful and powerfully healing music videos available. This critically acclaimed, Award Winning DVD dramatically reduces heart and respiration rates, and in some cases has lowered blood pressure by 40 points.

"A breathtaking beautiful video... it elegantly brings the healing forces of nature into the comfort of your home... it is an audio visual odyssey for those who seek inner peace"

Randy Peyser, Alternative Medicine Magazine
Images that stir the soul into remembering, that there is only light, that only peace exists in the present moment, that only love is real and that we are not alone can have a subtle but powerful impact on a patients ability to let go of fear.

How does it work?

Fear is the barrier to all healing, not illness and fear does not exist in the present moment. Films that help us to engage the present in a powerfully beautiful way, can dramatically expedite healing. By replacing fear with the present moment, only peace is experienced and where there is peace there is always healing. The two words peace and healing are synonymous.

Because this film was designed to alleviate the most intense human fears and anxieties it has also been found to be very very effective in providing relief from everyday stress and anxiety. Its power lies in the intention behind the making of this program. While the filmmaker was on location, he prayed every day to be able to capture the spirit and peace of the Pacific Coast. He did this so that people who were in pain would be drawn into the present by its beauty and fall into the experience of healing-peace. Judging from the feedback, his prayers were answered.

See testimonials :

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