McCain says the legislation is too expensive and has proposed his own version, which would increase the monthly benefit available to most veterans to $1,500 from $1,100. It would not offer the equivalent of a full scholarship.
The ad by VoteVets.org Action Fund, features Iraq and Afghanistan veterans noting that both McCain and President Bush oppose the bill.
"McCain thinks covering a fraction of our education is enough," one veteran says. Another one, pictured recovering from head wounds, adds in a voiceover: "We didn't give a fraction in Iraq. We gave 100 percent."
"Senator McCain" an announcer concludes, "we respect your service. Please respect ours."http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/20/AR2008052000020.html
I heard this ad. McCain said the GI Bill was too generous in one of the speeches he gave. Can you imagine that? Too generous? For men and women who were willing to risk their lives, do what they were asked to do and always gave 100% while deployed doing their jobs! McCain doesn't think they are worth it. I don't think he's worth any support from any of them. Think about it. While McCain seems to be running on being a Vietnam Vet and POW, he has voted against the veterans and the troops while in the senate. He is no longer a POW and he is longer in the military, so that makes him a veteran, yet he cannot be bothered to vote in their best interests or in the interests of the troops serving now.
He is a Senator and must be held accountable for what he has done, along with what he has not done all these years serving in the Senate. That is what this election has to come down to. Yes, he deserves respect as any veteran does, but just because he is a veteran that does not mean he is not a jerk and a hothead who does not give a damn about any of the needs veterans have. Begin a veteran does not give him the rank of saint demanding unquestioning worship! Stop bowing down to him and hold him accountable.
I would be the first one backing him if he cared about the troops and the vetearns. After all, I voted for him when he ran against Bush in 2000. He is no longer that same man who cared more about the country than the power he could obtain from this country. He has found people more worthy of his attention than the troops and most of them are lobbyists.
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