
Thursday, May 8, 2008

Bailiff Kills Armed Suspect Inside Florida Courthouse

Bailiff Kills Armed Suspect Inside Florida Courthouse
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — A man who was supposed to be returning divorce papers at a courthouse pulled out a gun there instead Wednesday, opening fire in the lobby before two bailiffs fatally shot him.

Several people were in the lobby at the time, but only one of the bailiffs, who was shot in the shoulder, was injured. He was treated and released from a hospital.

Glen Lee Powell, 30, entered the courthouse shortly after 1 p.m. and approached a security checkpoint wearing a backpack. A deputy ordered him to remove the backpack and place it on a conveyor belt, but instead he threw it on the ground and opened fire with a semiautomatic handgun, Pinellas County Sheriff's Sgt. Jim Bordner said.

Deputies B.J. Lyons and Deputy Marvin Glover returned fire, seriously wounding Powell, who later died at a St. Petersburg hospital. Lyons, a 58-year-old firearms instructor, was wounded.

A representative speaking for Powell's family said he had been living with his parents after returning from duty in the Air Force in California.
go here for more,2933,354452,00.html


  1. I think we are going to se more and more of this as time goes on. The court system is out of control and Judges flagrantly violate the constitution and the law in order to enact thier own agendas despite laws saying they can't do that or that thie actions are illegal. If you protest you get charged with contempt and get thrown in jail with no due process or any oversight are there on the whim of the judge. That is not the act of a democratic government. That is more like what IO would expect from Saddam Hussien or Fidel Castro, not an elected official of the US. I see this all the time in family court where people are procecuted by the State's attorney's office for civil cases and put in jail bwecause they owe child support (not large amounts...the folks that owe large amounts are running around free). Basic rights like the right to a public defender when you cannot afford an attorney. These judges have become despots that are above the law. My fiance has been going through this ever since she left her metally abusive, drunk ansd potsmoking husband 5 years ago. He is a network administrator and she was working as a waitress (when she was working). He could afford an attorney and she couldn't. The pro-bono attorney she got through the local legal service organization couldn't even bother to show up to court, so that was pretty useless. But because of that, she ended up making some really stupid decisions that otherwise wouldn't have appened if she had an attorney advising her. The vourts don't care. They just want convictions and payments on thier political records. They don't care what other families they destroy and the harm they cause to children, unless they can benefit from it. IF you are not rich enough to afford a retainer, you don;t get justice in this country. Our government and legal system has become a sham. This is not what I served in the army for.

    So when I see a story like this I am not suprised at all. There are a lot of people who are very angry and frustrated with our government because our government has become despotic and only cares aboiut those that the politicians can benefit from. It's time to take Thomas Jefferson's advice and hit the reset button so we can get back to being a democratic republic and get away from the police state we have become.

  2. I have a feeling you're right. Thanks for the comment and for taking care of your fiance after what she's been thru. People are very angry because there has been the loss of hope, justice and all that we were supposed to be able to depend on. The greatness of this nation people were willing to lay down their lives to obtain and to preserve have been vanishing.


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