
Monday, April 14, 2008

Soldier Tim Sanders, proud of country, not of VA

Iraq vet a one-man picket against VA

By Mike Hall - The Topeka Capital-Journal via AP
Posted : Monday Apr 14, 2008 12:39:04 EDT

TOPEKA, Kan. — Walking up and down the sidewalk near the Colmery-O’Neil VA Medical Center, Tim Sanders looks like a model for the “Army Strong” ad campaign.

Except, that is, for the placard he is holding high proclaiming, “Vets are losing their benefits.”

Sanders, an imposing 6-foot-3 inches tall, isn’t the picture of health he appears to be. After tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, he is considered 50 percent disabled by the Department of Veterans Affairs. He suffers physical, emotional and now bureaucratic problems.

For starters, he suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. He also has back and knee problems from paratrooper duty.

“The transition from combat veteran to civilian was very difficult for me,” he said.

Now 32, he is entitled to care at the VA medical center and normally receives a VA check for $730 each month. This month his check was reduced to $196. He can’t pay his rent or other bills.

The VA asserted he owed money for medical expenses he incurred in 2006. The VA began retrieving the money from his monthly allotment. But Sanders insists he doesn’t owe the money and believes the error is being corrected, thanks to the efforts of a Veterans of Foreign Wars representative who went to bat for him.

Sanders still hasn’t seen the missing money, but even if it arrives soon, he is on a mission to bring public attention to what he considers the VA’s insensitivity to the needs of veterans like himself.

So, he continues picketing as a matter of principle.

“I believe our government is being a tyrant. I’m proud of my country. I’m not proud of my government,” he said.
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