When it comes to the political battle between Obama and Clinton, I've tried to stay out of it. Politics is something I have to keep up on because it is the politicians that will either take care of the veterans or not. To me, personally, I don't care if they are Democratic or Republican if they do not take care of the veterans. Yes, I've supported some Republicans who do in fact take a strong stand for the sake of veterans but there are very few who actually do it instead of talking about it. The only purpose for posting this latest political round is what the media has been avoiding reporting on.
Last night I put on CNN getting ready for bed. Tornados struck Virginia and there were over 200 wounded and massive destruction. Normally, the media would have had something like that covered from every channel. When I turned on CNN, they were talking about Obama's pastor Wright, instead of the tornadoes. Anderson Cooper did end up talking about the tornadoes but he gave that topic about three minutes, then went back to Wright.
I was wondering who is supporting Wright? Where is he getting the money to travel all over the place and who is acting as his publicist? After all, you don't get that kind of attention for just being captured in a You Tube video. He's one of thousands of pastors across the country who say a lot of things that their parishioners do not agree with. Most people go to church for the sake of going to church and fellowship and if they go for the sake of Christ, then they already know what is right or wrong. In my own life I have heard many religious representatives of Christ and raised my eyebrows many times over things they said. So is Wright getting the attention for what he said or the fact one of the members of his congregation happens to be running for the presidency?
No one would really care if Obama was not a member of the church he preached at. Yet this "story" should have died a long time ago because it really doesn't matter to the rest of us. Obama didn't say God damn America or anything else even like it. He is the one running for the office and should only be held accountable for what comes out of his mouth and what comes out of his works. Who is behind the attention Wright is getting?
What is wrong with the media when they do this kind of gossip work instead of reporting on the tornadoes and the lives destroyed by them along with all the wounded instead of gossip? What is wrong with them when they give hardly no reports at all on the lives of the troops in two occupations, their deaths, their wounds and the fact there are so many suicides and attempted suicides? Where are the reports on the law suit Veterans For Common Sense filed against the VA and the discovery of the data that had been hidden from the public all this time? Where are the reports of the money, tax payer money, blown in Iraq on construction projects that have never been completed but we paid for anyway?
When and who decided that the news would be reduced to a tabloid with an occasional report on actual news? This nation has a heap load of troubles facing us. Seems to me that what one pastor has to say does not really match up with what is being reported on. Instead of reporting on the fact that a lot of members of the Virginia National Guard just got back from Iraq and then faced with the catastrophic emergency like what the tornadoes left behind would be a lot more important to report on that what Obama's ex-pastor had to say.
Chaplain Kathie Costos
"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of early wars were treated and appreciated by our nation."
- George Washington
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