McCain loves to talk about his military record and the record of his family members. What he does not like to talk about his is lousy record as a veteran when it comes to voting to take care of veterans. He should be ashamed of himself. Look up his record in case you've missed the posts on it here. His record is never standing with the veterans while he wants to run as a veteran for the Presidency. Instead of standing up for them, he runs from them. His theme music should be Run-run-run-run away!
Robert Lopez served 8 years in our military, fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan as a tank commander. He was told he'd get his whole education bill paid for when he got out of the service. Mr. Lopez has fought and sacrificed for our country but like so many others, Mr. Lopez has faced the bleak reality of a government that has turned its back on its veterans.
That is why Senators Jim Webb and Chuck Hagel proposed the new GI Bill, which would bring back WWII-style standards of providing vets with full tuition, room and board. And that is why 51 senators have signed on, including 9 Republicans like John Warner, giving this GI Bill tremendous bi-partisan support.But it isn't enough.
Faced with unprecedented filibusters, the only way to ensure Senate passage of the GI Bill is to get 60 co-sponsors. So far, John McCain has refused. The same McCain who insists he supports our troops. The same McCain who is voting lockstep with the Bush administration (who have also resisted this bill). We need to get John McCain to do the right thing -- to sign now and signal to other Republican leaders that we should be strongly behind our vets.
Sign the petition to John McCain!
The original GI Bill transformed American history, providing education for returning soldiers. Not only was this our nation's moral duty for the unbelievable sacrifices of our World War II veterans, it helped create America's middle class and spurred decades of economic growth for our country.
Why then is John McCain silent on passing a new GI Bill for our "new greatest generation"?
Robert Lopez thinks John McCain ought to stand in his shoes to know how difficult it is to be a vet and have to pay staggering education costs. This is your call to arms. Pass the video along and implore your friends to sign the petition.
Click here to watch the video and sign the petition today!VoteVets.org, WesPAC and Brave New Films feel passionately about giving our veterans the support they rightly deserve. Our government owes our troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan the opportunity to receive full educational benefits. These patriots have fought hard for our government; it's time our government started fighting hard for them.
Sincerely yours,
General Wesley Clark,
Robert Greenwald, and
Jon Soltz
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