
Sunday, April 20, 2008

American Troops Going Insane video

After I watched this yesterday, I had to struggle with if I should post it or not. Too many will take it as a slam against the troops instead of thinking about all of this. I also do not want to publicize behavior like this. Yet the more I thought about publishing it out of draft form, the more I knew it had to be done. There are not enough qualified people joining the military and we've all read the reports about the requirements being dropped to allow people with criminal records to join as well as gang members. More and more high school drop outs have been allowed to join. I'm wondering if the soldiers in this videos are part of those groups or not. Videos and actions like this are part of the overall judgment of the military, just as when the contractors were going on shooting rampages in Iraq. Their actions caused the Iraqi people to take out their anger against the troops. Something has to be done to stop this from spreading while the troops are in Iraq. I don't know what the answer is but if no one is aware of the problem, there will be no answers even looked for.

From April 20, 2008
American Troops Going

I just finished watching this. A friend sent it to me knowing what I do with PTSD and she was under the impression I would be deeply troubled. She was right.

The fact the soldiers on video are having Iraqi children repeat things after them like F---Iraq, doing even worse to Iraqi men, among other things is very troubling because the Iraqi people know they some of them are doing this. The most troubling part is that they thought is was worthy of capturing on tape. Stress can make them do a lot of what is seen on the video but there is no excuse of it because it puts them into even greater danger. Did they think that there will be some Iraqis seeing this who happen to speak English? Toward the end of this video there is the Marine captured on tape doing the puppy toss off a cliff. Are they all part of the same unit? How many more of these videos are going to surface before the military brass gets to the bottom of any of this? If these soldiers are so stressed out they lost all sensibility, then they need to be sent back home and get some care for their state of mind.

This is just part of what I'm talking about:

The Army doubled the number of waivers it issued to allow convicted felons to enlist between 2006 and 2007, while felony waivers issued to Marine recruits increased by nearly 70 percent, according to newly released numbers from the Pentagon.

The House Oversight Committee released the Department of Defense statistics Monday, and requested more explanation for the increase in criminals who have been allowed into the military's ranks. The Army issued 511 waivers in 2007, compared to 249 in 2006. The Marine Corps issued 350 waivers last year compared to 208 the year before.
go here for more

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