
Friday, March 21, 2008

Spc. Keisha Morgan's heart and brain removed by Army?

Keisha Morgan
Posted on March 20, 2008 by kate217
Army Spc. Keisha M. Morgan, 25, Washington, D.C., died [February 22] in Baghdad of a non-combat related cause; assigned to the Division Special Troops Battalion, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Hood, Texas.

Yet again, the Army is sweeping the mysterious death of a female soldier under the rug. Keisha’s mother, Diana, (who is a friend of mine) has been told that the Army “doesn’t know” how Keisha died. Keisha’s best friend, Ruby, found her on the floor of their Baghdad barracks, having a seizure, but responsive. She died, according to WTOP news, “a short time later.”

Diana says that she spoke to Keisha less than a week before she died. Keisha was a 25-year-old in the peak of health who had just reenlisted (excited to be going “from green to gold”) and was as happy as she had ever been. She was engaged to a wonderful young man working as a civilian contractor in Iraq. He was visiting family in (IRRC) Puerto Rico when she died. He was interrogated for about four hours. I hope that was just information gathering abouther friends, routine, etc., but I’m not sanguine about that.

In spite of almost a month’s time and two autopsies, Keisha’s cause of death is still “unknown.” Her fiance and mother wanted to have an independent autopsy performed but were informed by the Army that her brain and heart had been removed because of the ongoing “investigation,” so another autopsy would be pointless. Am I the only one who finds that the teensiest bit suspect? If they suspected drugs or epilepsy or anything else innocuous, wouldn’t they just say so?
go here for the rest

The non-combat death of Spc. Keisha Morgan caused the Army to remove her heart and brain as part of the "investigation" into her death? Is this how they do it? Where are her body parts that they cannot manage to return them to the family? She died a month ago and they still don't know what caused her death? What are they doing? What are they trying to cover up or can they be so incompetent they can't figure it out yet? How many others is this happening to? How many families are not being given the answers they need?


  1. I was with the STB, 4th ID and met SPC Morgan about a month before I left the unit in June 2007 (I remember she worked in our company's PAC office; I talked with her almost daily). I am truly shocked to hear of her passing. I pray that there are answers to her family's questions and that everyone will finde peace.

  2. I am an army vet and a former recruiter. I had the pleasure of knowing Keisha. I actually was her recruiter. She was my very first contract/enlistment. I spent a lot of time getting to know Keisha. We connected immediately because she was only 3 years younger than I was her story was not too far from my own. She joined the Army to travel and to make a better life for herself. She was full of so much life and promise. It saddens my heart deeply to hear of her passing and under such suspicious circumstances. I remember her beautiful poetry and that she enjoyed modeling.

  3. This was mi sister since high school I miss her and wont rest till I find out tha truth.

  4. I am Keisha's mother and it is now almost the end of May 2013 and the army still stands by this big lie that she took her own life. Anyone that knew her knows this could never happen. She loved life too much....If she committed suicide she would not have been allowed to be buried in Arlington cemetary....Why can't they just own up to the truth that someone else (probably someone in the army) took my child's life???????

  5. I am so sorry that no one has been held accountable. The only suggestion I have is that you get the media to cover her story and keep covering it. Public pressure will get you an answer. I've seen it happen over and over again. If the press forgets, no one is reminded. One more thing you can try is to go to the White House site and start a petition.
    Get her friends, all your relatives and have them send out the link to join it so you can finally find out what happened to your daughter.

  6. I know who killed Morgan and why.................................................................................

  7. Hello. Although I did not know the beautiful, young lady (SPC Keisha M. Morgan)personally I felt like I did. I was the Casualty NCO at Ft Hood that received the notification of her death from Iraq. I could not wrap my mind around the circumstances and often would look to see if her "suicide" status had been changed to something else. I am deeply sorry for your family's lose. I'm now retired but still carry her memory with me.

  8. SFC Irvin
    Thank you for that comment. It must be very hard for you to figure this one out. Maybe you could contact her family and let them know? If they do not pop into this from time to time they may never see your comment. I have no way of contacting them other than this site.

  9. The Dog Tags for Kids Project is trying to locate Diana Morgan. We have Honor Tags with Keisha's photo on them that belong to her. We sent them to an address provided to us but the were returned marked 'not at this address'. There is no charge for the tags. We want nothing in return. We simply want Mrs. Morgan to know that her daughter has not been forgotten. Please if anyone can help us, contact us via our facebook page or at

  10. I'm so very sorry for the passing of your beautiful and young daughter. God knows all. Something's can't be escaped. When we pass we go back to be with the savior. I know this isn't any comfortable but I have to believe that beautiful light that comes off of her pic is the savior shining inside her. She's at peace with the savior. God said vengeance is mine said the Lord.


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