
Monday, March 31, 2008

Mom sends two sons back to Iraq again, and again

Iowa brothers called for multiple deployments

The Associated Press
Posted : Monday Mar 31, 2008 11:39:17 EDT

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — Pat Chambers is proud of her sons, but a bit frustrated as well.

Later this year she will watch her two sons deploy to Iraq for a combined sixth time — a painful process that hasn’t gotten any easier with repetition.

“I want it all to end,” Chambers said. “I want them all to come home. Enough is enough.”

So far, the Navy has deployed 25-year-old Josh Chambers to Iraq three times. He’s headed back there April 5 for what’s expected to be a seven- to nine-month stint. His older brother Jonathan, an Army sergeant, is scheduled to leave in October for his second deployment.

“I was hoping not to go back, but your commanding officer, they see you do a good job,” said Josh Chambers, a 2001 graduate of Cedar Rapids Washington High School.

Josh Chambers is a Navy hospital corpsman, the equivalent of a battlefield medic, charged with caring for the approximately 50 troops in his platoon. He said his mother was an emergency room nurse, “and she always gave me her stories.”
go here for the rest

I don't know how the families are able to keep doing this over and over again. How many times can they say good-bye, welcome them home and then have to send them back again?


  1. This is to let you know that I am praying for this two young men. I am related and know the difficulty that they (the soldiers/Sailor) are having as well as the stress that thier mother is having. It never is easy and with God's grace we can see it through. I am a veteran and know the commitment that this two you men know and have.

  2. Thank you for your comment. It's never easy. It's never easy to send someone knowing they will be risking their lives. I can only imagine. I was born long after my father served in the Korean War and met my husband long after he served in Vietnam. I never had to say good-bye to someone in my family.
    These two men are like all the others willing to "lay down their lives for the sake of their friends" and serve this nation. We pray for all of them but the only way we can really show how much we care about all of them is to make sure we do in fact take care of all of them. Each time they go back, they not only risk their lives, but increase the risk of being wounded by PTSD. We have not taken care of them properly. I pray someday we live up to what we owe to all of them.

  3. PTSD is very serious. I know that they and the others and even those that may not be deployed to those areas may have to deal with PTSD. Josh and Jon are very much in my prayers as they are my cousins. I have 4 family members that this year will be serving in a combat zone. I will continue to support them as they support us here in the states. I served during the 80's before the wall came down in Germany I understand the fear, but I will never understand the lose that they may have with friends that are injuried or killed. Thank you for all that you are doing to support the troops and thier families.

  4. I'm just doing what I can because this is where I was supposed to be. If I had not met my husband, I wouldn't have a clue about any of this. It's my way of giving back to them. I pray my inadequacies are strengthened so I can serve them better, that the rest of the country steps up to help them better than I can.

    It's better for the new veterans because Vietnam vets came back and fought to have PTSD addressed but we are far from where we need to be on this. I've been in this 26 years but others have been in it since the 70's.

    We should be past the stigma and past the point where anyone in this country is not aware of what PTSD is. There is a lot of work to do to help all of them.

  5. People are people and God created them in His own image, And war is painful, death, and no words can justify it.
    We need to speak and intercede for weaker ones of this world(Economically,Spiritually, Intellectually)


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