
Saturday, February 9, 2008

O'Reilly uses homeless veterans in humor attempt and failed

I assure you there are no homeless vets
By Bill O'Reilly
2/8/08 9:26 AM EST New York
Every time I say absolutely anything, as innocuous as it might be, the liberal media craps their pants, sticks their fingers in it, then smells their fingers and then tells me that my shit stinks. Well, I’ve had enough. This whole homeless veterans thing has been a HUGE misunderstanding.

When John Edwards said there were 200,000 homeless vets, what I thought he meant was that there were 200,000 homeless veterinarians, not veterans. If I had known he had meant veterans, I wouldn’t have disagreed at all.

There are tons of homeless veterans. There’s one that lives outside my favorite coffee shop. Sometimes I kick him. Other times I listen to his stories about the wars he’s been. He says he fought in Vietnam, World War II, the Civil War, and several other wars against aliens that I didn’t even know about. The man is a freakin hero, and I support him and his homelessness. I’m all about homeless veterans. I wish there were more homeless veterans so we could see them even more often and celebrate the beauty of their existence. I wish there was a homeless veterans parade. It would stink of filthy patriotism for miles, and it would be glorious.

Veterinarians on the other hand are soulless, avaricious, sadistic creatures spawned directly from Satan’s taint.

I recently purchased a beautiful female pitbull, whom I named Hillary. (Each presidential election season, I buy a new pet and name it after a candidate. Unfortunately, recently they haven’t been doing too well. Gill Clinton got flushed down the toilet, Alpaca Gore froze to death in the arctic during a global warming test I was conducting, and as for Ronald Bacon, well, I consumed him in a fit of nostalgia for the glory days).

go here for the rest if you really want to but you don't need to.

The man is insane! Can he be so desperate for attention that he doesn't care who has to suffer so that he gets it? Think about it. He's hated from coast to coast and keeps digging his career into the ground insulting the veterans, insulting the troops, insulting the wounded troops on top of it, then comes off as if he's doing something about "helping" them. The schmuck has one hell of a nerve trying to jump onto the Senates bandwagon who are trying to really help these veterans. The same ones O'Reilly has only shown disdain for.

Bill O'Reilly's "Big Announcement" to Homeless Vets
For weeks, Bill O'Reilly had been teasing that he would make a "big announcement" on Feb. 8 for homeless veterans. But all he announced is that he would monitor the creation of a new GI bill that hasn't even been drafted yet and would harass congressmen who vote against it. BOR acts like updating the GI bill is his own original idea.

The above post he did shows exactly what he thinks about veterans and homeless veterans. He can shoot off his mouth all he wants but I blame his viewers for tolerating his indefensible behavior. If they are watching him, they are supporting him and allowing him to attack our veterans. How can anyone watch him without being seen as contemptible as he is? I've heard several people who used to watch him call into radio stations saying they can't stand him now. For the viewers he has left, you really have to wonder how their stomach doesn't turn up their dinner. How can anyone with any kind of connection to reality put up with him? How far into the depravity abyss are they willing to follow him?


  1. You're the one who has to learn to read. The post title had "humor attempt" and if you don't know what "humor" means, look it up in the dictionary. Homeless veterans are not funny and anyone who thinks they are, needs to become one for a night just to see what it's like for them. You are really pathetic defending something as contemptible as this. These are our veterans! Men and women and yes, even kids, left homeless because this nation failed them. Any human with half a soul would be more outraged over the state of their lives than a schmuck like O'Reilly.

  2. Hey
    annoy-most how about you take your pathetic disguise of a human and climb back under the rock you've been living under. What's the matter? Did you finally discover a conscience and it's eating away at you? Do you think you're proving anything here that is not negative against you? Homeless veterans are suffering and you only care about yourself. The link was posted you twit! If I can figure out a way of blocking you because of your language I won't have to tolerate it anymore either.

  3. This is a damn shame. Hopefully he turns up alright. I've never served but would willingly open the door to any former or active soldier.


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